
Opinated API Skeleton created with Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP


Opinionated API Skeleton created with Laravel

Configuring the project

composer create-project --prefer-dist wendelladriel/larapi my-app && cd my-app && sh ./tools/configure.sh

This will:

  • Create the project
  • Install the dependencies
  • Copy the .env.example to .env in the project root;
  • Generate the APP_KEY
  • Generate the JWT_SECRET
  • Configures the Git Hooks for the project;

Update your .env file:

Configure your local Virtual Host. After that visit the host URL and you will see a JSON response like below:

    "application": "LarAPI",
    "environment": "local",
    "status": 200

Git Hooks

The project has some Git Hooks to update the API documentation using Swagger, to lint the PHP code using PHP-CS-FIXER and to run the tests using PHPUnit.

API Documentation

You can check the API docs accessing: HOST_URL/swagger.

App Architecture

Inside the app folder will live only other folders, no files are allowed in the root. The basic architecture is composed by four main folders and other N folders that we will call Module Folders, each one represent a module of the API, per example the Auth Module or Mail Module:

Core: The basic architecture files only are placed here:

  • Exception Handler and Custom Exceptions;
  • Kernel files;
  • Providers;
  • Middlewares;
  • Base Controller;

Models: All the application Model classes are placed here, but no classes are allowed in the root of the directory. All models should be put into a namespace depending on its purpose, besides that there are two other folders:

  • Traits for model specific Traits;
  • Relations for custom relationship classes;

Repositories: All the application Repository classes are placed here, but no classes are allowed in the root of the directory. All repositories should be put into a namespace depending on its purpose, besides that, there is a Traits folder for repository specific Traits. If you create a Repository for a specific Model class, use the same namespace you gave to the Model class, per example the Models\Auth\User repository MUST be Repositories\Auth\UserRepository. ALWAYS put the suffix Repository. All repositories MUST extend LarAPI\Core\Repositories\BaseRepository

Common: This is a Module Folder (all module folders MUST HAVE the same folder and file structure) created to have ONLY common and general purpose classes:

  • Commands: Command files for this module;
  • Controllers: Controller files for this module. DON'T use the name in the plural form and ALWAYS put the suffix Controller. Example: UserController, ProductController. All controllers MUST extend LarAPI\Core\Http\BaseController;
  • Events: Event files for this module. Try to use verbs for the name and ALWAYS put the suffix Event. Example: ActivateUserEvent;
  • Listeners: Listener files for this module. Try to use nouns for the name and ALWAYS put the suffix Listener. Example: for the ActivateUserEvent use UserActivatedListener;
  • Requests: Custom request files for this module.Try to use verbs for the name and ALWAYS put the suffix Request. Example: ActivateUserRequest;
  • Responses: Custom response files for this module. Try to use nouns for the name and ALWAYS put the suffix Response. Example: UserActivatedResponse;
  • Routing: Route files for this module. Each file is a version of the API. Follow the format: v1.php, v2.php, etc;
  • Services: Service files for this module. ALWAYS put the suffix Service;
  • Support: Helper files for this module;
  • Traits: Trait files for this module;

When you create a new Module in the app folder, add the module name to the config/modules.php file. This configuration file is also used to enable and disable modules in your API. The modules listed there will be the enabled ones.

Development Standards

  • Controllers: Only handle requests and return responses;

  • Repositories: Only place where database access should be done;

  • Services: Handle business logic;

  • DON'T forget to document all API endpoints with the OpenAPI annotations;

  • Don't bypass the Git Hooks. The Git Hooks that are set up are going to lint the PHP code and also run the PHP tests before commit and push, but you can also run before the commit these commands: composer lint to run the PHP linter and composer tests to run the tests. If any of these show errors for you, please fix them before committing and pushing your code;

  • Don't pass the request object or an array for the service layer, create a DTO with the needed data. You can extend from the LarAPI\Common\Support\DTOs\CommonDTO. If it's a common DTO that will be used by multiple modules, create it inside app/Common/Support/DTOs. If it's something specific to a module create it on app/MODULE/Support/DTOs