
This project involves feature representation of text data, implementation of perceptron algorithm, as well as gradient descent in Python.

Primary LanguagePython

Reviews Classifier in Python

This project involves feature representation of text data, implementation of perceptron algorithm, as well as gradient descent in Python.

Project Structure

This repository has the following structure

├── data                                        # Contains reviews dataset
│  ├── truecased_reviews_dev.jsonl
│  ├── truecased_reviews_dev_one.jsonl
│  ├── truecased_reviews_test.jsonl
│  ├── truecased_reviews_train.jsonl
├── models                            
│  ├── _init_.py
│  ├── gd.py                                    # Gradient descent algorithm
│  ├── perceptron.py                            # Perceptron algorithm
├── readers                 
│  ├── _init_.py
│  ├── reviews_dataset.py                       # Load reviews dataset function
├── _init_.py
├── sentiment_classifier.py                     # Performs sentiment analysis
├── utils.py
├── images
└── README.md

The main python file is sentiment_classifier.py, where the bulk of the code is implemented. There, we can load the dataset (function implemented in reviews_dataset.py), generate feature representations, create an instance of our perceptron algorithm implementation (with functions implemented in the perceptron.py file), as well as a gradient descent algorithm (with functions implemented in the gd.py file), using the squared loss and L2-norm regulariser.

Snapshots of Training Process

