🔥 Dart and Flutter Package 🔥 Easy Form State Management using BLoC pattern 🔥 Wizard/stepper forms, asynchronous validation, dynamic and conditional fields, submission progress, serialization and more! 🔥
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Support for intl: 0.19.0 to match with pinned version for Flutter Localization
#351 opened by danqulogy - 0
The cursor of TextFieldBloc jumping to the end of text
#350 opened by kymko - 2
conflict with flutter_localizations on flutter 3.22 (latest from may 2024)
#347 opened by mahirandigital - 3
[FLUTTER 3] Warning: Operand of null-aware operation '?.' has type 'WidgetsBinding' which excludes null. #91
#309 opened by dJani97 - 15
Error: Type 'FormBloc' can't use itself as a bound.
#339 opened by mvofreire - 1
- 1
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Could not compile the project under web
#344 opened by bambinoua - 1
Inconsistency with `ListFieldBloc#updateFieldBlocs`
#346 opened by Zekfad - 3
form_bloc_listener.dart(6,9): error G5FE39F1E: Type 'FormBlocState' can't use itself as a bound flutter 3.16
#338 opened by richard457 - 0
Compiler errors in flutter 3.16.0
#341 opened by hunterino - 7
customize horizontal stepperblocbuilder
#292 opened by bobosette - 8
DateTimeBuilder Focus traversal corrupted
#297 opened by fiurthorn - 4
intl ^0.17.0 error
#334 opened by hm-tamim - 1
Cannot submit in List and Group Fields in form_bloc_web when everything is empty
#303 opened by aideric - 1
Slider field
#333 opened by artu-st - 1
SYNC ToJson()
#296 opened by AmriZakariya - 1
Scrollable CheckboxGroupFieldBlocBuilder
#330 opened by bobosette - 1
By Introducing new widgets in between your forms, there seems no way to handle the states
#329 opened by sreyans01 - 1
- 1
addFieldBlocs and removeFieldBlocs issue
#327 opened by nawaf-na1807684 - 2
How to turn off auto validation
#320 opened by ingmferrer - 4
How to validate on unfocus?
#298 opened by woellij - 2
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- 1
How to create last Step Button
#325 opened by Simarreta - 1
Add phone number validator
#321 opened by alejandrogiubel - 2
Change/customize DateTimeFieldBlocBuilder() view
#319 opened by nameaisy - 2
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Custom state
#316 opened by 538023 - 5
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Add custom validation
#291 opened by mohamedalwhaidi - 11
Get Fields from restful call
#310 opened by bobosette - 3
i am here! printed in the console
#311 opened by jakuste136 - 1
Possibility to style radio buttons?
#293 opened by EzraBerendsen - 0
- 4
Submit can be called with invalid fields
#301 opened by MatyasK - 2
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updateExtraData not re-rendering ui
#289 opened by EzraBerendsen - 4
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RichText in TextFieldBlocBuilder
#288 opened by pitanni - 5
FormBlocState isn't emitted on field value change
#283 opened by julek-kal - 7
removeFieldBlocs is not working in Flutter
#276 opened by nilesh2211 - 1
How to get all fieldBlocs?
#287 opened by johnadvincula-ada - 1
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Docs website unavailable.
#286 opened by EzraBerendsen - 12
how to use this repo from Git in flutter?
#284 opened by fredwilliam - 3
onValueChanges not response at first time
#278 opened by aaassseee