
iOS app that scans the iOS file system through the native File Manager to identify, categorize, and delete unnecessary files, while also optimizing databases, resulting in system space optimization by freeing up to tens of GBs on the device.

Primary LanguageSwift

Tabula Rasa

WARNING: You must have a jailbroken device

!!! Messy code, unrefined UI, WIP !!!

Cache deletion demo File browser demo

1) Install the app via Xcode 14 or earlier

2) Using a file browser app such as Filza, copy the folder Tabula Rasa.app from /containers/Bundle/Application/Tabula Rasa/ in /Applications/

3) Open a terminal app tweak such as NewTerm3, enter the following command:

Now type the root user password (the default password is "alpine") and press enter, then run the following commands:
cd ../..
chown root:wheel "./Applications/Tabula Rasa.app/Tabula Rasa"
chmod 6755 "./Applications/Tabula Rasa.app/Tabula Rasa"

4) Delete the Tabula Rasa app installed via Xcode

TIP: if the Tabula Rasa app icon doesn't show up on the home screen, long press any app icon to show its quick actions menu and then dismiss it

5) Run the following command in NewTerm3:

uicache && sbreload