jQuery.html5Loader can preload images, SVGs, html5 video and audio sources, scripts, css, and text files.
- adisetiawanBali, Indonesia
- andreareginatoLelylan
- arthurse
- cinegen
- dotpotVilnius, Lithuania
- fer-riPurwokerto, Indonesia
- FlashJuniorSwitzerland
- iArnaud
- jacksnap13
- jofralogoMadrid
- johnfmortonJMX2, Inc.
- josecarlospshQbic
- laszlo-horvathBudapest, Hungary
- lawrencetaurTaur
- lixus3dAnorake
- majman@google
- mhgolkar
- nathanbatsonNathan Batson
- neojjang
- oldquest
- prismeParis
- priyolahiriNeo4j
- reden87Budapest, Hungary
- reduxionist@intelligent-bytes
- Remouille
- schmidsi@edgeandnode
- scratcher28Russia
- sebastiangrazAmsterdam
- shaneblackburn
- stanogurnik@rouvydev
- tazzkillerFrance
- tjoenthe Netherlands
- traviscoHouston, Tx
- valer00n#f90 games
- verygreenboiNigeria
- zhoonTencent