Cannon Game


This is the game engine for the game of Cannon for the course Intelligent Search & Games (2122-KEN4123) Assignment.

It consists of the GUI, the game engine and an agent able to play the game against a human player.

Features (working and not)


Install & Run

Docker for Linux (recommended)

Build the docker file from the root folder of the project (there is a dot at the end): docker build -t cannon .

Run xhost + to allow the docker container to use the display (xhost - to undo).

Then, the game can be as follow: docker run -ti --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --network host -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix cannon

To rebuild the project, uncomment the lines in Dockerfile and build & run docker again.

Docker for Windows

Install Docker for Windows from

Make sure it has WSL 2 enabled (it should be by default).

Install VcXsrv Windows X Server from This is used to display Linux applications from the docker container.

Start VcXsrv (XLaunch in the Start menu) and click next in the wizard. On the third page tick "Disable access control" (this is equivalent to xhost + in the previous paragraph).

Next, build the docker file from the root folder of the project (there is a dot at the end): docker build -t cannon .

Then, the game can be as follow: docker run -ti --rm -e DISPLAY=your_ip:0 --network host cannon

Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, and similar)

Install Mono:

sudo apt install gnupg ca-certificates
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF
echo "deb stable-focal main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official-stable.list 
sudo apt update

sudo apt install mono-devel

Gtk# should already be included. Gtk2 should be a pre-installed package.

In case they are missing, they can be installed as follow: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0 gtk-sharp2

The exact version of Mono used is (tarball Mon Feb 22 17:29:18 UTC 2021).

The .NET framework is .NET 4.7.2 from Mono.

To run the game from the project's root folder: mono bin/Release/Cannon_GUI.exe

To recompile the project: msbuild Cannon_GUI.csproj -t:Rebuild -p:Configuration=Release.


It should be possible to run the game on Windows with Docker.

Alternatively, it is possible to find the compiled project in the folder bin/WindRelease.

It needs Gtk# (it can be downloaded here: and .NET for Windows (, it should be already included in Visual Studio).

The project can be compiled and run with Visual Studio.


  • Gtk does not like when you click too many times on the board while the agent is thinking.
  • Possible bugs with the UNDO button, use it carefully.
  • Click UNDO twice to undo the human player's move.
  • When switching players, the agent timer is running for the first move of the human player.
  • Some combination of switching players and clicking RESTART break the game and the AI agent is playing the wrong colour.
  • The agent behaves differently on Linux and on Windows.
  • (Cannon_GUI:1): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:48:21.661: cannot open display: :0 : run xhost + before docker run ...
  • The PLAY and STOP buttons are not implemented.