

  • Compare different array sizes
  • Compare different number of MPI processes (including 1/serial)
  • Compare with other implementations (e.g. this and this)
  • Use other sorting algorithms for small arrays (e.g. bubble sort if the length of the array is <20)
  • Try different merging strategies
  • Compare MPI C implementation vs MPI Python

Algorithm ideas


  • Use MPI_Scatter


  • Each process sort its subarray


  • Approach 1: all the processes send the sorted array to process 0 which will do the merge
  • Approach 2: parallel merge in a tree-like structure (similar to MPI_Reduce), like in this schema
depth 0: 0
         | \_____
depth 1: 0       4
         | \     | \
depth 2: 0   2   4   6
         |\  |\  |\  |\
depth 3: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Send to rank - 2^d if rank % 2^{d+1} != 0
Recv from rank + 2^d if rank % 2^{d+1} == 0 and the sender exists

How to test

  • Compile test: mpicc -g -Wall -o test_mergesort test_mergesort.c utils.c mergesort.c recursiveMergesort.c -lm
  • Compile: mpicc -g -Wall -o main main.c benchmark.c utils.c mergesort.c recursiveMergesort.c -lm
  • Debug with Valgrind: mpiexec -np 2 valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --log-file=main_%p.log ./main