
Easy client server stub with protobuf

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

****  Mini-ORB based auto-generation of server/client **** 
****		stub and Protobuf support	      ****	
----------- TEST.PBC INTERFACE FILE EXAMPLE --------------

    ***** Is necessary maintain the same sintax *****
----------------------------------------------------------							--
--	message myproto {				-- 
--	optional sint32 a = 1 ;				--
--	optional sint32 b = 2 ;				--
--	optional sint32 c = 3 ;				--
--	};						--
--							--
--	interface test					--
--	{						--
--	myproto sum( myproto num1, myproto num2);	--
--	int prod( int num1, int num2);			--
--	};						--

The interface must exist and be unique, and contain all the functions that you 
The message may be write, if you require some particular structures, otherwise
you can skip it.

Steps for execution:
1.	Write "namefile.pbc" file with needed interface
2.	./parser "namefile.pbc"
3.	A new folder named "AutoGenerated" is create
4.	cd AutoGenerated
5.	Write a simple server/client
6.	make
7.	./server [default port 8000]
8.	./client [default port 8000, and local connection]

For change default port and hostname use the additional costructor: 
-----	Server(char* port)
-----	Client(char* hostname, char* port)

For the example two preconfigured files Client and server are provided within the 
In the example you can use:
./server [port]
./client [ip_addr] [port]

multi-client is supported
no multi-threading server 

There isn't necessity of recompile parser from the user, for this reason the make
file is not furnished. 

For recompile the parser execute:

g++ parser.cc -std=c++11 -o parser