
Codes for my paper AFC, not available, deadline on 8, Oct, 2023

Primary LanguageGo


CHANGELOG 2023-09-06

  1. Update compression algorithms.


Codes for my paper AFC, algorithms is available right now, including the following sections:

  1. Implementation of AFC;
  2. Implementation of Chimp;
  3. Implementation of Gorilla (double-percision floating);
  4. Implementation of FPC;

All of the codes are in pure Go.


name url
AMMMO https://github.com/JonyYu/ATimeSeriesDataset
AMPds2 https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/FIE0S4
BaIoT http://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/442/detection+of+iot+botnet+attacks+n+baiot