This is a Laravel + Vue.js e-commerce template that will make it easy for you to start your own online store.
There is the DEMO ULE-shop.
- Setup docker and docker-compose on your local machine.
- Create the .local_data folder in the root directory of the project
- Install git. Fetch this project from Github (git clone).
- Copy ".env.example" file and rename to ".env". Edit the .env file (connect to DB).
- Run "docker-compose up" (you may need to restart docker-compose up 3-4 times).
It uses roadrunner, Laravel/Octane and temporal. If you prefer more traditional nginx/php server, checkout to the version 0.01 please.
- localhost -- Main App
- localhost:8088 -- Temporal UI
HTTPS locally
mkdir ssl && cd ssl && mkcert -install
Populate database
docker-compose exec roadrunner /bin/bash
composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed --class=DatabaseSeeder
To reset roadrunner server execute
docker-compose exec roadrunner rr -c /etc/.rr.yaml reset
To observe roadrunner workers execute
docker-compose exec roadrunner rr -c /etc/.rr.yaml workers -i
How to use xdebug with roadrunner
. Set in the rr settings: pool.num_workers: 1, pool.debug: false.
If you have any active XDebug listener while starting RoadRunner with XDebug enabled — disable it. This will prevent false-positive debug session.
Start server, enable listener and run:
docker-compose exec roadrunner rr -c /etc/.rr.yaml reset http
Uladzimir Sadkou: