- 3
Plotly Direct tag issue
#509 opened by Sultan91 - 2
No DashApp matches the given query.
#435 opened by Gjergji97 - 2
TypeError: i[v][g] is undefined
#451 opened by zepp133 - 1
Error running demo example
#469 opened by cchantra - 5
DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see the module's documentation for alternative uses
#472 opened by samarthsarin - 9
- 1
returning data from plotly to django
#497 opened by tirohia - 5
Demo 4 is not working
#466 opened by kojnmastyr - 2
- 0
Update documentation to make the need for certain settings more explicit
#507 opened by GibbsConsulting - 7
[Bug] Error plotly.min.js 302
#502 opened by a-ceron - 2
allow_duplicate output fails silently
#481 opened by ryan-bloom - 2
- 4
Increase dash version to 2.10 or greater
#491 opened by delsim - 3
- 4
#496 opened by BatoolGasser - 0
Update documentation to refer to bootstrap 5
#493 opened by delsim - 7
- 5
Support for Django 5.0
#488 opened by vhidrogo - 1
- 3
- 1
Dash Vega Components
#492 opened by Harizliewzw - 0
Enable use on Django 5.0
#490 opened by GibbsConsulting - 0
Enable get_asset_url to be used for file names passed to the DjangoDash constructor
#487 opened by GibbsConsulting - 10
- 4
- 1
- 0
Bootstrap 5 incompatibility
#482 opened by figgeous - 7
allow_duplicate on outputs doesn't work
#475 opened by zyassine - 2
How to pass multiple pandas Time Series (created in Django view) to Dash callback?
#479 opened by GarderesG - 0
Add additional values to the callback_context
#468 opened by delsim - 0
Improve configuration documentation
#478 opened by GibbsConsulting - 2
- 0
- 2
DataTable in full height
#471 opened by seszele64 - 2
- 4
Bypass database calls during callback
#438 opened by bkolsrud-apr - 1
- 5
'WrappedDash' object has no attribute '_generate_meta_html' on all examples.
#460 opened by thomascooper - 0
documentation page has incorrect underscore vs hyphen "pip install django_plotly_dash"
#456 opened by stellar-paulm - 0
Make code robust against internal method name
#461 opened by GibbsConsulting - 0
Background-/ Long-Callbacks in django-plotly-dash
#457 opened by Gjergji97 - 0
- 3
Issue using All-in-One Component in DjangoDash app
#452 opened by anjunatl - 4
small window
#450 opened by mhostn3 - 10
Pagination DataTable don't work with plotly_direct
#446 opened by alexeydg - 1
Graphs are not sorting according to Dash table
#449 opened by nishorgo - 4
Flask Debug issue on deployment
#434 opened by b-stead - 1
InvalidConfig at `routes_pathname_prefix` needs to start with `/` - Question
#433 opened by Gjergji97 - 1
Question may I integrate djangodash with dash-leaflet framework or assing function from from dash_extensions.javascript import assign
#431 opened by Nizhurin