
Golang implementation of Graphite/Carbon server with classic architecture: Agent -> Cache -> Persister

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

go-carbon Build Status

Golang implementation of Graphite/Carbon server with classic architecture: Agent -> Cache -> Persister


Supported features


Faster than default carbon. In all conditions :) How much faster depends on server hardware, storage-schemas, etc.

The result of replacing "carbon" to "go-carbon" on a server with a load up to 900 thousand metric per minute:

Success story


Use binary packages from releases page or build manually:

# build binary
git clone https://github.com/lomik/go-carbon.git
cd go-carbon
make submodules

# build rpm (centos 6)
make rpm

# build debian/ubuntu package
make deb

Install debian dependencies: 
apt-get install golang 

# hand-made install
sudo install -m 0755 go-carbon /usr/local/bin/go-carbon
sudo go-carbon --config-print-default > /usr/local/etc/carbon.conf
sudo vim /usr/local/etc/carbon.conf
sudo go-carbon --config /usr/local/etc/carbon.conf --daemon


$ go-carbon --help
Usage of go-carbon:
  -check-config=false: Check config and exit
  -config="": Filename of config
  -config-print-default=false: Print default config
  -daemon=false: Run in background
  -pidfile="": Pidfile path (only for daemon)
  -version=false: Print version
# Run as user. Works only in daemon mode
user = ""
# If logfile is empty use stderr
logfile = "/var/log/go-carbon/go-carbon.log"
# Logging error level. Valid values: "debug", "info", "warn", "warning", "error"
log-level = "info"
# Prefix for store all internal go-carbon graphs. Supported macroses: {host}
graph-prefix = "carbon.agents.{host}."
# Interval of storing internal metrics. Like CARBON_METRIC_INTERVAL
metric-interval = "1m0s"
# Increase for configuration with multi persisters
max-cpu = 1

data-dir = "/data/graphite/whisper/"
# http://graphite.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config-carbon.html#storage-schemas-conf. Required
schemas-file = "/data/graphite/schemas"
# http://graphite.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config-carbon.html#storage-aggregation-conf. Optional
aggregation-file = ""
# Workers count. Metrics sharded by "crc32(metricName) % workers"
workers = 1
# Limits the number of whisper update_many() calls per second. 0 - no limit
max-updates-per-second = 0
enabled = true

# Limit of in-memory stored points (not metrics)
max-size = 1000000
# Capacity of queue between receivers and cache
input-buffer = 51200

listen = ":2003"
enabled = true
# Enable optional logging of incomplete messages (chunked by MTU)
log-incomplete = false

listen = ":2003"
enabled = true

listen = ":2004"
enabled = true

listen = ""
enabled = true
# Close inactive connections after "read-timeout"
read-timeout = "30s"
# Return empty result if cache not reply
query-timeout = "100ms"

listen = "localhost:7007"
enabled = false


  • Grace stop on USR2 signal: close all socket listeners, flush cache to disk and stop carbon
  • Fix bug: Cache may start save points only after first checkpoint
version 0.6
  • metric-interval option
version 0.5.5
  • Cache module optimization
version 0.5.4
  • Fix RPM init script
version 0.5.3
  • Improved validation of bad wsp files
  • RPM init script checks config before restart
  • Debug logging of bad pickle messages
version 0.5.2
  • Fix bug in go-whisper library: UpdateMany saves first point if many points has identical timestamp
version 0.5.1
  • Reduced error level of "bad messages" in tcp and pickle receivers. Now info
  • Configurable logging level. log-level option
  • Fix wrong carbonlink request error in log
version 0.5.0
  • -check-config validates schemas and aggregation configs
  • Fix broken internal metrics tcp.active and pickle.active
  • Optional udp incomplete messages logging: log-incomplete setting
  • Fixes for working on x86-32
  • logging fsnotify: fix ONCE rotation bug
version 0.4.3
  • Optional whisper throttle setting #8: max-updates-per-second
version 0.4.2
  • Fix bug in go-whisper: points in long archives missed if metrics retention count >=3
version 0.4.1
  • Bug fix schemas parser
version 0.4
  • Code refactoring and improved test coverage (thanks Dave Rawks)
  • Bug fixes
version 0.3
  • Log "create wsp" as debug
  • Log UDP checkpoint (calculate stats every minute)
  • Rotate logfile by inotify event (without HUP)
  • Check logfile opened
  • storage-aggregation.conf support
  • Create and chown logfile before daemonize and change user
  • Debian package (thanks Dave Rawks)
version 0.2
  • Git submodule dependencies
  • Init script for CentOS 6
  • Makefile
  • "make rpm" script
  • Daemonize and run-as-user support
  • -check-config option
  • -pidfile option
version 0.1
  • First full-functional public version
  • Logging with HUP rotation support
  • UDP receiver
  • Tcp receiver
  • Pickle receiver
  • TOML-configs
  • Carbonlink
  • Multi-persister support
  • storage-schemas.conf support