
This light weight tool allows you to search for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) based on a vulnerability keyword and an optional year filter.

Primary LanguageShell


This light weight tool allows you to search for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) based on a vulnerability keyword and an optional year filter.


git clone this rep && cd CveLooker

Chmod +x cvelooker.sh

Create an alias for cvelooker.sh echo "alias cvelooker='bash /path/to/cvelooker.sh'" >> ~/.bashrc

Reload the bashrc file source ~/.bashrc


./cvelooker.sh "vulnerability keyword" "year" Replace "vulnerability keyword" with the specific vulnerability you want to search for, such as "rce," "sqli," or "ssrf." Optionally, specify the "year" parameter to filter the results based on a particular year.


./cvelooker.sh "ssrf" "2023"

This command will search for CVEs related to remote code execution (SSRF) vulnerabilities that were reported in the year 2023.
