I am an enthusiastic software engineer, skilled web technologies, software development and engineering and love to learn and keep improving.
Yalwa GmbHWiesbaden, Germany
GideonBabu's Following
- acupofteeKlaviyo
- agektmrGoogle
- allanesquinaJS The Right Way
- aysylu@google
- bephrem1
- binhnguyennusIBM
- blarzHernandezMullinStack
- bobziroll@scrimba
- Danziger@labscommunity, @Othent, @arconnectio
- davidflanagan@mozilla
- dnl-blkv@Microsoft
- donnemartin@facebook
- gaearon@bluesky-social
- gnuwilliam@Loadsmart
- hai-dee
- hamiltondanielbAustin, TX
- hzoo@babel (not a company)
- jamesctuckersoona
- jianminchenMP Lighting Inc
- julianshapiroSan Francisco
- jwashamUnited States
- kylelix7Toronto
- lajpatshahJustClip - All purpose digital book
- M0nicaNew York, New York
- mwq27Project44
- Narengowdaimport future
- Olshansk@pokt-network
- orrsellaFacebook
- paullewisLondon, United Kingdom
- philipwaltonGoogle
- ramloul24
- sharjeel3Melbourne, Australia
- t-gos7India
- vakilaSan Francisco | Berlin
- wesbosme