
From more than a million entries in a database; display the top 3 articles, top authors by article views & which days the server had more than 1% error requests

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

FSND - Logs analysis project by Mathias Wøbbe


Display information from a database with three tables:

  • 'articles', 'authors' and 'log'.

The code can display:

  • The top 3 articles:
  • The most popular authors by article views
  • On which days more than 1% of HTTP requests led to errors.

Several views were used for this project, here are the commands used to create them:

Join articles.slug with log.path and groups the result by articles.title

CREATE VIEW v_articleViews AS
                          SELECT title AS "Title", count(*) AS "Views"
                          FROM articles, log
                          WHERE articles.slug = substring(log.path FROM 10)
                          GROUP BY articles.title;

Join articles.slug with log.path and groups the result by articles.author

CREATE VIEW v_authorViews AS
                          SELECT author, count(*) AS total_views
                          FROM articles, log
                          WHERE articles.slug = substring(log.path FROM 10)
                          GROUP BY articles.author
                          ORDER BY total_views;

Extract day and join log.time where the log.status gave an error. Count the results and group them individually.

CREATE VIEW v_badRequests AS
                          SELECT date_trunc('day', time) AS "Day" , count(time) AS "bad"
                          FROM log
                          WHERE log.status = '404 NOT FOUND'
                          GROUP BY 1
                          ORDER BY 1;

Pick out the day from log.time. Count the results and group them individually.

CREATE VIEW v_totalRequests AS
                      SELECT date_trunc('day', time) AS "day" , count(time) AS "total"
                      FROM log
                      GROUP BY 1
                      ORDER BY 1;

Multiply the amout of bad requests with 100 then compare the number with the total amount of requests.

If the amount of bad requests exceeds the total amount, return the row.

CREATE VIEW v_errorDays AS
                        SELECT b.bad AS "bad", t.total AS "whichday", t.day AS "day"
                        FROM v_badRequests b, v_totalRequests t
                        WHERE ("bad" * 100) > ("total") AND b."Day" = t.day
                        ORDER BY day ASC;


To run the commands you need:

  • Python 2.7
  • postgreSQL
  • A terminal
  • newsdata.sql


To run the code in a vagrant environment

  • SSH into Vagrant
  • CD /vagrant folder
python newsdata.py

Built with

  • Atom.io, a free hackable text editor
  • Pyhton 2.7 and the psycopg2 module
  • postgreSQL database
  • Vagrant



  • The forums on udacity are really great, the same goes for 'stack overflow' and the rest of the internet.
  • FSND & FEND webcasts where they pull the concepts apart(and put them together in a human way).
  • Credits to Ben for helping to figure out how to group by day, week or month.