Provides movie recommendations using collabirative filtering algorithms
Invoke as:
python3 predict arguments
There is currently one possible option for command and multiple options for arguments:
This command will use simple user-based collaborative filtering to predict the rating of user userID for movie movieID, with the following parameters:
- TrainingFile is the training data file. (To use sample data, use u1.base).
- K means that the algorithm should consider only the K nearest (most similar) users to user UserID. Note that a value of K=0 means that there is no limit and all the users should be considered.
- UserID is the user for whom we want to predict their rating for MovieID.
- Algorithm is the specific algorithm used, which can be one of the following:
- average, just computing the average rating for MovieID based on all other ratings for that movie (K is effectively set to 0 for this, regardless of user input).
- euclid, when using Euclidean distance to measure user-user similarity and then use the nearest K users to UserID to predict his/her rating for MovieID (through a simple weighted average, where the similarities are the weights)
- pearson, when using Pearson Similarity to measure user-user similarity and then use the nearest K users to UserID to predict his/her rating for MovieID.
- cosine, when using Cosine Similarity to measure user-user similarity and then use the nearest K users to UserID to predict his/her rating for MovieID.