
This is a simple RESTful architecture implementation in golang.

Primary LanguageGo


TaskMan RESTful API built in Go

The service allows user to divided work into small manageable tasks, providing CRUD operations over RESTful API.

Technologies used:

  • GORM
  • Gorilla/Mux
  • PostgreSQL
  • go mod
  • logrus


To setup, you will first have to grab a copy of this project by cloning it into your local machine. After you've cloned the repo make sure you have the following installed:

  • Go version: go1.18.2
  • Docker engine
  • Make
  • Postgresql

Database connection

To create a db connection for testing purposes, make sure you've installed Postgres or you have an instance running on a server on the cloud. Create a secure DB (provide credentials). Provide start configurations either through the yaml file or env variables `

Build and Test

Before starting the application, make sure everything is work by running:

make build. This will generate the application binary which can be executed on the console. .go and bin folders. Bin folder contains the application binary which can be executed on the console.

make test to check if the tests are passing.

Start the server

To start the server from main.go, run go run cmd/api/main.go on your terminal from the root folder.

Alternatively, you can start the server by executing the apps binary generated from the build step by running ./<pathname>/api. The API should be ready to accept request.