Common Tool for daily usage

1. Project Description

This is a simple rest service project to deal with various common need, something like:

  • url
    • alias
    • shortner
  • pdf
    • merge, split, etc...
  • image
    • Extract text
  • Etc ...

This tool intended to make life easier.

2. Design

2.1 Things to know

Besides daily usage, this project is also a learning-project. Which is means that this project is build with these "things" in mind:

  • Clean code
  • 12 Factor App
  • Securing rest api
  • More to comes....

Tech stack used in this project

  • Java (18)
  • Spring boot
    • Hibernate
    • Security (Jwt)
  • JUnit
  • JSON
  • Springdoc & Swagger-UI
  • SQL (PostgreSQL)
  • Docker

From docker container, we can deploy it to cloud hosting provider line AWS ECS, etc...

3. Getting Started

To install and run this module, you need

  • Git
  • Java (from 11)
  • Maven
  • Docker
  • A running PostgreSQL Instance

And do following steps:

  1. Fork or just clone this repo.
  2. open terminal and change to project main directory
  3. compile the project, it will produce JAR file
$ mvn clean package
  1. Containerize the project
$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t common-tasks-service .
  1. Check if the image already on list
$ docker image ls
  1. Then we can run the image
$ docker run --name common-tasks-service-test -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL='database_url' -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME='database_user_name' -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD='database_password' -e APP_JWTSECRETKEY='some_secret_key' -p 8080:8080 common-tasks-service

As you can see on command, there is some environment (-e) that we need to give.


    • A running PostgreSQL database instance url
      • For example : jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/tool
      • Dont forget to add jdbc:postgresql: before the url

    • Username that is used to login to database

    • Password that is used to login to database

    • Custom value(string) to identify the service in runtime
    • Default value is "none"

    • some string that will be used to generate & validate jwt token