
build model by shuviscript

Primary LanguagePython



did you feel your code too mess to build a model ?

there are always over a thousand of lines in just one or some few py files, and relationship between tensors are hard to organize .

ShuviScript provide a new way for developers to build models with Object Oriented design .

care ! we just support tensorflow 1.0 currently .

simple introduction of ShuviScript

shuvicript can be split into three part: scripts, methods and configures

you can see sample.py as an exampe


shuviscript is just a Graph Description Launguage, which works just like UML to descibe the graph of a model . it is said that, shuviscript cannot define the real logic of a model .

shuviscript should be written in the formation below :


for example :

# define a input node
input = (output)()input_method()
# use input.output as input to build an other output node
output = (output)(offset)output_method(input.output)


the name of current node


the method of current node

a <method-name, Method-Constructor> relation should be given to Graph

class OutputMethod(shuvi.method.method.Method):
    def __init__(self, inputs, inputnodes, confs, conf, logger):
        super().__init__(inputs, inputnodes, confs, conf, logger)

        # to create the placeholder: offset
        # offset(in method) => offset(in script)
        self.offset = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32)
        self.register_placeholder('offset', self.offset)

        # to create to output: output
        # output(in method) => output(in script)
        self.output = inputs[0] * tf.sin(inputs[0]) + self.offset
        self.register_output('output', self.output)

    # be careful ! 
    # if your Method need a placeholder
    # you should also need to implement a feed_dict method to set the placeholder
    def feed_dict(self, feeddict):
        feeddict[self.offset] = 3.141


the output-name in script should be equal to to output-name in class Method


the placeholder-name in script should be equal to to placeholder-name in class Method


a reference list to the nodes and their outputs that have been defined

an input should be written in the formation below :



just like the section method-name above

there are 4 method you can inherit in class Method : constructor, init, conf and feed_back


you should build your outputs and placeholders here

you can also do something else


if there is something need initialized with a Session, do it here


load conf data here

confs is a dict of global conf data

conf is a child in confs, which only contain to data of current node, and of course, it's also a dict

# you can inherit the conf metdhod like this
# with the example in method-name section above
def conf(self, confs, conf):
    self.val_offset = conf['offset']


to fill the feed_dict before Session.run

if current node provide any placeholders, you should inherit this method

# with the example in conf section, you can write your feed_dict method like tihs
def feed_dict(self, feeddict):
    feeddict[self.offset] = self.val_offset


i'll complete any further (笑)