VR platformer
Android 5.. and leter
Hello. My name is Dmitry. In my spare time I develop a simple and colorful game for google Cardboard. In the game you have to collect strange glowing things, run on walls and jump on trampolines :)
Implemented in the game mechanics, physics, menu. For the test I created the first two levels: on earth and in space. In the game, I tried to create a simple and dynamic control which can be achieved without a joystick.
To save the game function is used PlayerPrefs()
"Level_n" : (int)name level
"Level_n_Stars" : (int)stars collected in the level
"Level_n_Time" : (int)the time for which the level is passed
"VRMode" : (int) 1 - enable vr mod, 0 - disable vr mod
"MotionBlur" : (int) 1 - enable motionBlur
"ContinueLevel" : (int) the level from which you can continue the game if(level>0)
"AvalibleLevels" : (int) the number of levels available
"AvalibleStars" : (int) number of stars collected
"AudioMute" : (int) 1 - enable mute
author: Devitt Dmitry
year: 28.12.2016