Gigaspaces Kafka Sink Connector



  • git clone this repo
  • mvn clean package
  • Move the generated jar (from the target folder) to /share/java
  • Define the connector configuration as outlined below
  • Schema and type definitions for the data can be expressed via the json file as shown below.

Note: The maven Kafka artifacts in the pom.xml file must match the Kafka version.

Note: If you have developed a GigaSpaces data model, you do not have to provide a json file. Instead, you can provide the generated jar file containing the relevant POJOs.


Gigaspaces connector properties file example (

# True -- start gs inside the same JVM as connector; False - separate JVM (default)
# Name of the target gs Space
# Location of GS Manager:
#Choose one of the following -- Jar file or Json file: 
gs.model.json.path=<path to gigaspaces kafka connector repo>/example/resources/model.json
plugin.path=<path to gigaspaces kafka connector repo>

# Currently the connector does not support Kafka schema.
# Flush much faster than normal, which is useful for testing/debugging

Gigaspaces connector model schema json file example

Note: These Json fields map to the Space Type Descriptor in GS. For more information, see Space type Descriptor in the GigaSpaces documentation center.

	"type": "",
	"FixedProperties": {
	"firstname": "java.lang.String",
	"lastname": "java.lang.String",
	"age": "java.lang.Integer",
	"num": "java.lang.Integer"
	"Indexes": {
	"compoundIdx": {"type":"EQUAL", "properties": ["firstname", "lastname"], "unique": false},
	"ageIdx": {"type":"ORDERED", "properties": ["age"], "unique": false}
	"Id": "num",
	"RoutingProperty": "firstname"
	"type": "",
	"FixedProperties": {
	"kind": "java.lang.String",
	"name": "java.lang.String",
	"age": "java.lang.Integer"
	"Indexes": {
	"compoundIdx": {"type":"EQUAL", "properties": ["kind", "name"], "unique": false},
	"ageIdx": {"type":"ORDERED", "properties": ["age"], "unique": false}
	"RoutingProperty": "name"

Running the example with Docker Compose

It is possible to set up a full environment including Kafka and Gigaspaces, and run the demo scenario with Docker Compose.

  1. Prerequisites: Docker, Docker Compose, curl, Java 11, make sure Docker is configured with at least 8Gb of memory.

  2. Make '/example/docker-compose' you current directory before running the scripts.

  3. Make all shell scripts executable with chmod +x $(ls *.sh)

  4. Run to create kafka-connect image with gigaspaces plugin jar in it.

  5. Make sure ports 8080,8081,8082,8083,8088,8090,8099,9021,9092,9101 are not being listened to on the local machine. Or alternatively, run the next step and resolve port conflicts individually if they occur.

  6. Run to launch the environment.

  7. The following Web applications should be accessible in the browser at this stage.

  8. Run to create demo source connector for people.

  9. Run to create demo source connector for pets.

  10. After a short time, the connectors will create Person and Pet topics Kafka, and push a few messages to them. Check the following URLs

  11. Run This connector will read the messages from Person and Pet topics and push them to Space. Verify that People and Pets demo data is in Space

Running the example manually:

Note: The steps must be run in the order indicated below.

In this example, we will consume data from a text file using the FileStreamSource source connector. This connector will publish the lines it reads to the type topics in Kafka. The Gigaspaces sink connector will read the data from the topics and store them in the in-memory grid (the "Space"). All files are under the example/resources folder.

1.Start Gigaspaces and have a Space running. In this example, we are running the demo project:

./ demo

(Gigaspace ZK is running on port 2181).

2.Edit /etc/kafka/

and modify the Confluent ZK port from 2181 to 2182 (could be any unused port)

3.Start ZK

    cd <confluent-home>/bin
    ./zookeeper-server-start ../etc/kafka/

4.Edit /etc/kafka/> and modify ZK port from 2181 to 2182

5.Start Kafka

cd <confluent-home>/bin
./kafka-server-start ../etc/kafka/ 

6.Edit /etc/kafka/ and add the line:


7.Start the connect with the source and sink connectors and see how the data is consumed and published to the space:

cd <confluent-home>/bin
./connect-standalone ../etc/kafka/

Note: The three connectors properties are found in <path to gigaspaces kafka connector repo>/example/resources.

Note: Ensure that the file parameter in the file and the file points to the location of the corresponding txt files.

5.Connect to the gigaspaces UI and view the types that were defined and the data that was inserted into the spaces by the connector.

a) From the Ops Manager screen, choose Analyze Ops Manager: Ops Manager initial screen

b) In the Spaces Overview, select the demo Space:

Choose Demo Space

c) You can now see the two object types, Pet and Person, and the number of entries for each object:

Choose Demo Space