
List of Student Rocket Projects that are accepting dontations

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University Rocket Teams that accept donations


This page was created to make it easier to find and donate money to student rocket projects. These teams are training future leaders of space exploration and development - they are doing fantastic work and are deserving of your support. If you are looking forward to a space fairing future, supporting these teams is one of the best investments you can make. This is a collection of links and cannot guarantee that all information is up to date or how donated money will be used.

University Affiliated Programs Accepting Donations

Organization School Project(s) How to Donate Website Social
Aero Mavericks UT Arlington IREC Competition, Liquid Rocket Engine https://aeromavs.weebly.com/donate.html https://aeromavs.weebly.com/ @AeroMavs
Beach Launch Team California State University Long Beach Liquid Rocket Engine, High Powered Rocketry, Avionics https://www.beachlaunch.team/donations https://www.beachlaunch.team/ @BeachLaunchTeam
Case Rocket Team Case Western Reserve Spaceport America Cup https://www.givecampus.com/campaigns/12259/donations/new https://caserocketteam.org/
Danstar Technical University of Denmark Liquid Rocket, European Rocket Challenge Paypal: danstar.dtu@gmail.com https://www.danstar.dk/ @danstar_dtu
DARE Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) Solid Rockets, Hybrid Rockets, Liquid Rockets https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/DAREtudelft?locale.x=en_US https://dare.tudelft.nl/ @daretudelft
Gruyere Space Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) Small rockets, UAV, Bipropellant Liquid Engine https://gruyerespaceprogram.ch/partenaires/partenaires.htm?lang=en https://gruyerespaceprogram.ch/index.htm?lang=en Patreon
Illinois Space Society University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Space Shot, Space robotics https://www.mightycause.com/organization/Illinois-Space-Society https://www.illinoisspacesociety.org/ @IL_SpaceSociety
Liquid Rocketry NC State Liquid Rocket Space Shot https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GL3SSSK45D4X2&source=url http://liquidrocketry.com/#about @liquidrocketry
MASA University of Michigan Liquid Rocket Space Shot https://leadersandbest.umich.edu/find/#!/give/basket/fund/935885 @masa_rockets
PSAS Portland State Solid Rockets, Liquid Rocket Engine, CubeSat https://www.pdxaerospace.org/donate https://www.pdxaerospace.org https://twitter.com/pdxaerospace
Purdue Space Program Purdue University Solid Rockets, Hybrids, Liquids, Student Launch Competition, Satellites https://purdueseds.space/ https://purdueseds.space/ @purdue_seds
Put Rocket Lab Poland Hybrid, Spaceport America Cup Paypal: konradklodzinski@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/putrocketlab/ https://instagram.com/putrocketlab/
RDL Embry-Riddle Prescott Solid Rockets, Liquid Rocket Engine https://securelb.imodules.com/s/867/social.aspx?sid=867&gid=1&pgid=7923&cid=11663 https://rocketdevelopmentlab.carrd.co/ @ERAUPrescottRDL
Rocket Project at UCLA UCLA Hybrid Rocket, Liquid Rocket https://giving.ucla.edu/campaign/donate.aspx?Fund=64219c http://rocketproject.seas.ucla.edu/ @RPatUCLA
SDSU Rocket Project San Diego State University Liquid Rockets, Liquid Rocket Space Shot Sponsors: https://www.sdsurocketproject.org/become-a-sponsor https://www.sdsurocketproject.org/
SEDS UCSD UC San Diego Liquid Rocket Engine, Balloons https://sedsucsd.org/index.php/donate/ https://sedsucsd.org/ @seds_ucsd
Space Cowboys Mississipi State University Spaceport America Cup https://www.alumni.msstate.edu/s/811/bp/interior.aspx?sid=811&gid=1&pgid=3027 @MSUSpaceCowboys
Space Hardware Club University of Alabama Huntsville Solid Rockets, Balloons, CubeSat http://space.uah.edu/donate.html @uahshc
SRT Texas A&M Space Port America Cup Hybrid https://www.tamusrt.org/donate.html https://www.tamusrt.org/ https://www.instagram.com/tamusrt/
TREL Texas Rocket Engineering Lab Liquid Rocket Space Shot https://www.texasrocketlab.com/donate https://www.texasrocketlab.com/ @texasrocketlab
USC Rocket Lab University of Southern California Solid Rocket Space Shot, Liquid Rocket Engine http://www.uscrpl.com/sponsors https://www.uscrpl.com/ @USCRPL
WPI HPRC Worcester Polytechnic Institute IREC https://impactapi.causeview.com/Thunder/actionpage/c005859a-ffad-4b9d-8d0c-f414096506cd
To have the donation reach our club please set the "Designation" dropdown to "Other" and enter "WPI AIAA (281-AG) for WPI HPRC"
https://aiaa.wpi.edu/hprc/ @wpi_hprc
MSU Rocketry Club Morehead State Balloons, solid rockets, liquid engine https://securelb.imodules.com/s/1869/18/interior.aspx?sid=1869&gid=2&pgid=418&cid=1063&dids=640
Olin Rocketry Olin College of Engineering Spaceport America Cup, Solid Rocket Engine Development https://www.olinrocketry.com/donate https://olinrocketry.com/ @olinrocketry
Jawhawk HPR The University of Kansas High Powered Rocketry https://kuendowment.org/Home Specify "Jayhawk High Power Rocketry" as beneficiary https://rockchalkcentral.ku.edu/organization/jhpr @JayhawkHPR
SEDS UNLV University of Nevada Las Vegas High powered Rocketry https://sedsunlv.com/pages/contact.html https://sedsunlv.com/index.html Instagram Youtube
Liquid Propulsion Group Sacramento State University Liquid Rocket Engine https://paypal.me/LiquidPropGroup https://liquidpropulsiongroup.github.io/ Discord
Czech Rocket Society Czech Republic High powered Rocketry https://paypal.me/czechrockets https://czechrockets.com @czechrockets Insta @czechrockets twitter
Skyward Experimental Rocketry Politecnico di Milano Solid rockets, Hybrid engine, European Rocketry Challange https://paypal.me/SkywardER https://www.skywarder.eu/blog/ Instagram @skyward_er
Terrapin Rocket Team University of Maryland College Park Spaceport America Cup, Hybrid Rocket Engine Development https://giving.umd.edu/giving/fund.php?name=aerospace-engineering-rocket-team https://www.terprockets.com/ Instagram Twitter
Space Enterprise at Berkeley UC Berkeley Project Karman Liquid Space Shot https://www.berkeleyse.org/donate https://berkeleyse.org @seb.berkeley
Yellow Jacket Space Program Georgia Institute of Technology Liquid Rocketry https://www.gtspaceprogram.com/sponsor-us-donate https://www.gtspaceprogram.com/ Instagram LinkedIn


IREC - Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition, a worldwide student rocket competition with two classes: 10,000 ft altitude and 30,000 ft altitude.

Spaceport America Cup - The Spaceport America Cup now occurs at the same date and location as IREC, but includes additional competition categories, such as liquid rockets.

EuRoC - European Rocketry Challange, the first European university rocket competition, promoted by the Portuguese Space Agency. Six different categories: 3km and 9km with solid, hybrid or liquid engines.