
Simple app on .NET to create and support your local doujins repo

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION


Simple app on .NET 6.0 to create and support your local doujins repo. Auto downloading through gallery-dl is planned for 2.1 release.

Now only creates file with url list, that you can use with, for example, gallery-dl or HitomiDownloader.


Icon is made by Freepik from FlatIcon.

Build status Actions Status

Current version

Current stable can be found here: Release.

Pre-release versions by CI/CD are also thrown down on Releases page.

Information about changes since previous releases can be found in changelog. This project supports SemVer 2.0.0 (template is {MAJOR}.{MINOR}.{PATCH}.{BUILD}).

Previous versions can be found on releases and branches pages.


Projects targets .NET 6.0.0, so you’ll need .NET 6.0.100 SDK.

Release binaries are made by publish-github-release.ps1 script. Take a look at it in the repo. Note, that running this script requires installed PowerShell or PowerShell Core for Linux/OSX systems.

Docker Image

Latest pre-built docker images (from master branch) for DoujinDownloader are available on GitHub packages (docker pull docker.pkg.github.com/gigas002/doujindownloader/doujindownloader:latest) and on Docker Hub (docker pull gigas002/doujindownloader).

You can also build docker image by yourself by running publish-local-docker.ps1 script with your PowerShell/PowerShell Core (on Linux). It’ll create doujindownloader image.


Input parameters

Short name Long name Description Required?
-i --input Input file (.md/.json) No
-j --json Path to converted from .md .json file No
-u --urls Path to ready urls.txt file No
--version Current version
--help Message about command line options

-i/--input is a string with path to .md or .json file with doujins list. If not set -- tries to take doujins.md in your running directory.

-j/--json is a string with path to converted .json file with doujins list. If not set -– created near .exe.

-u/--urls is a string with path to ready .txt file with doujins urls. If not set -– created near .exe.

Simple example looks like this: DoujinDownloader -i doujins.md -j doujins.json -u uris.txt.

How to use md

## [Artist Name 1, Alternative Name 'Artist Circle, Alternative Circle'](https://uri-sample.test); tag1, tag2, tag3 // Circle, url, tags optional
### Subsection // tankoubon, etc -- optional
- [ ] [Doujin name](uri), Language; tag1, tag2 //Not Downloaded
- [x] [Doujin name]() //Downloaded

Uri, language and subsection are optional and can be null.

Example of .md file

How to use json

Example of .json file


Localizable strings are located in Localization/Strings.resx file. You can add your translation (e.g. added Strings.Ru.resx file) and create pull request.

Currently, application is available on English and Russian languages.


Feel free to contribute, make forks, change some code, add issues, etc.