
XAP/Storm integration

Primary LanguageJava

storm-integration --- EXPERIMENTAL ---

##XAP/Storm integration

This repo contains projects related to the effort to integrate Storm and XAP in various ways. Cloudify is used as a means of packaging the various projects in the form of recipes. Currently the recipes are targeted at AWS only. As such, the repo is divided into two folders: Cloudify and XAP. Cloudify recipes are contained in the Cloudify folder, and source code used to create system components (e.g. plugins, streaming support) are placed in the XAP folder.


  • xap9.1-lite service Single node XAP 9.1 Lite recipe. Uses XAP default for the most part.
  • xapstream service Recipe subclass of xap9.1-lite. Just deploys streaming pu into XAP.
  • streamdriver service Utility recipe that creates/connects to streams and writes tuples for testing.

####XAP Components

  • storm Storm specific java code. The XAP Spout and Trident State implementation are here.
  • streamspace-pu The processing unit deployed by xapstream. XAP resident code that support streaming.
  • storm-test-topology Home of topologies for testing the XAP+Storm infrastructure (e.g. WordCount).
  • streaming Storm independent tuple streaming code that the XAP Spout depends upon.