I’m a second year graduate student majoring in Computer Science (ALIGN Master of Computer Science).
I received my PhD degree of Organic Chemistry in 2014 and worked for two and half years as a Postdoc but changed my interest into computer science field.

I’ve taken the required ALIGN courses: Discrete and Data Structures using C, Intensive Foundations of Computer Science using Racket, Introductory Algorithms and Computer Systems in Fall 2016 and Spring 2017. After those, I learnt Object Oriented Design using Java in Spring 2017, Database Management using mySQL in Summer I 2017 and Algorithms in Summer II 2017. I’ll take Web Development and Machine Learning in Fall 2017 and start to look for Co-op jobs.

Purpose of Repository

This repository serve as the tool for my learning progress of Web Development (CS5610, Fall 2017).


Heroku: https://webdev-zhang-qi.herokuapp.com/ Project: TBD Assignments: TBD