
For fixing & further advancing "SmartCity_Chatbot" (2023 BP-Project @ TUDa)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Smart-City-Chatbot (Legal Bot) πŸ“„βžœπŸ“šπŸ€–βžœπŸͺ„πŸ“βžœβœ‰οΈ

This repository provides a user-friendly AI chatbot assistant to support German legal inquiries. The chatbot generates legal notices (Bescheide) based on user-uploaded case files (Sachverhalte), offers customization options before finalizing the file, and has potential for further expansion and integration.


πŸ“Œ The chatbot is still under development and based on a dataset of German federal laws and the state laws of Baden-WΓΌrttemberg.

πŸ–ŠοΈ Smart Legal Assistance: The chatbot analyzes the uploaded case file (Sachverhalte) in DOCX or PDF format and offers context-aware responses leveraging OpenAI's GPT-3.5 language model.

πŸ–ŠοΈ Automated Notice Generation: The chatbot generates draft legal notices (Bescheide) based on the uploaded case file and the user's input. The legal notice includes the decision of the authority, the legal justification for the decision, and information on legal remedies.

πŸ–ŠοΈ Customization: The user can review and edit the generated draft notice before finalizing it through customization options such as adding additional information or changing the existing content.

πŸ–ŠοΈ Downloadable: The user can manually download the generated legal notice in text format (DOCX).

Walkthrough (Tips)

πŸƒ Upload case file by clicking on the upload button (HOCHLADEN).

  • Now the chatbot will create a draft legal notice for you, which takes a short amount of time.
  • You will receive the generated legal notice as a message in the chat.

πŸƒ Adjust the draft legal notice according to the desired adjustments:

  • For best customization results, use phrases like:
PROMPT: "Γ„ndere mir den Bescheid [specify the part you want to change] [specify the adjustment you want to make]"

πŸƒ Click the download button (HERUNTERLADEN) to download the generated and customized legal notice.

πŸƒ You can ask questions about the uploaded case file or the generated legal notice, as well as generated questions if you wish.

  • For the best results, mention the case file or legal notice directly as the specific words in your question: Sachverhalt or Bescheid.



πŸ“Œ The chatbot is not a substitute for legal advice from a qualified attorney.

This chatbot uses AI to generate legal notices from case files uploaded by users. The chatbot is not a legal advisor and does not ensure the accuracy or validity of the notices or information. Users must verify the notices and information with their own legal counsel or other sources. The chatbot and its creators are not liable for any harm or loss from using the chatbot or the information. Users agree to these terms by using the chatbot.



Linux (Python v3.10.12)

  • Install Python version via Ubuntu 22.04 using WSL2: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/ (Installation Guide).
    • If you encounter error code 0x80370102, run wsl --set-default-version 1 in CMD as Administrator.
    • To use WSL with VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/wsl (WSL Extension).
  • Node.js v18.7.1:
    • How to install Node.js, nvm and npm on WSL2: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/dev-environment/javascript/nodejs-on-wsl

Open WSL to run:

  • sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade before creating a virtual environment.
  • python3.10-venv with sudo apt install python3.10-venv.
  • python3-pip with apt install python3-pip.

Windows (Python v3.11.7)

  • Install Python version: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3117/.
    • Installation Guide: https://docs.python.org/3/using/windows.html.
  • Node.js v18.7.1:
    • How to install: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/dev-environment/javascript/nodejs-overview

πŸ“Œ Place Azure OpenAI "API key" and "endpoint" in environment file (.env)

  1. Navigate to project's backend folder and open the .env file.
  2. Replace only these following placeholders (e.g. "ENTER OPENAI KEY") with your actual credential values:
  1. Save the file βœ…

Getting Started (Setup for Development Environment)


WSL (Linux-Terminal)
  1. Clone the GitHub repository git clone https://github.com/SJinKim/SmartCity_Chatbot.git.
    • If you encounter an error, run git config --system core.protectNTFS false in CMD as Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to install the project cd <your-home-directory>.
  3. Navigate to project directory cd SmartCity_Chatbot.
  4. Navigate to backend folder cd backend.
  5. Create a virtual environment python3 -m venv <venv-directory-name>.
  6. Activate the created virtual environment source <venv-directory-name>/bin/activate.
  7. Install the required packages pip3 install -r requirements.unix.txt.
  8. Check if your .env file (containing the Azure OpenAI credentials) is in the root directory of backend folder.
  9. Start backend server uvicorn main:app / optional uvicorn main:app --reload to enable auto-reload.
  10. Open the browser via / to exit Ctrl+C.
PowerShell (Windows-Terminal)
  1. Clone the GitHub repository git clone https://github.com/SJinKim/SmartCity_Chatbot.git.
    • If you encounter an error, run git config --system core.protectNTFS false in CMD as Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to install the project cd <your-home-directory>.
  3. Navigate to project directory cd SmartCity_Chatbot.
  4. Navigate to backend folder cd backend.
  5. Create a virtual environment python -m venv <venv-directory-name>.
  6. Activate the created virtual environment ./<venv-directory-name>/Scripts/Activate.ps1.
  7. Install the required packages pip install -r requirements.win.txt.
  8. Check if your .env file (containing the Azure OpenAI credentials) is in the root directory of backend folder.
  9. Start backend server uvicorn main:app / optional uvicorn main:app --reload to enable auto-reload.
  10. Open the browser via / to exit Ctrl+C.


πŸ“Œ Assuming Node.js(18.7.1), nvm and npm are installed:

  1. Navigate to project directory cd SmartCity_Chatbot.
  2. Navigate to frontend folder cd frontend.
  3. Install node-modules npm install.
  4. Start frontend server in development mode npm run dev.
  5. Open browser via http://localhost:5173/.
  6. Make production build npm run build.
  7. Build and deploy to backend npm run build:deploy.


With Docker

πŸ“Œ Assuming Docker Desktop is installed https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/.

  1. Start the Docker Daemon (by simply executing Docker Desktop).
  2. Place your "AZURE_OPENAI_KEY" and "AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT" in the env file (.env).
  3. Open the Windows console, switch to the folder where docker-compose.yaml is located.
    • Relative path : ../SmartCity_Chatbot/backend/.
  4. Run docker-compose up -d in the console.
  5. To run the application, open the browser via http://localhost:8000 / to exit Ctrl+C.

Without Docker

πŸ“Œ See "Installation" section.



  • Python (Linux: v3.10.12 | Windows: v3.11.7) https://www.python.org/
  • Azure OpenAi Service (LLM-Model: GPT 3.5 Turbo, Embedding-Model: text-embedding-ada-002)
  • LangChain https://www.langchain.com/
  • FastAPI https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/


  • JavaScript (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/dev-environment/javascript/)
  • React https://react.dev/
  • Material-UI (MUI) https://mui.com/
  • Node.js (v18.7.1) https://nodejs.org/en
  • Vite https://vitejs.dev/
  • axios https://axios-http.com/

Contributing (Open Source)

  • Pull requests are welcome, but for major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



Created By (Contact)

Β© 2023 "Practical Lab for Bachelors (BP)" of TUDa in cooperation with [ui!].