
Customized Templates For Discord-Bot-Maker

MIT LicenseMIT

What Is DBM-E? (Discord Bot Maker Enchaned) [v1.5] | For DBM: 2.1.4

DBM-E is an addon/package for "Discord Bot Maker" that enhances it in various ways, These enhancements include customized mods, scripts, files etc.

Downloading DBM-E

standard-readme compliant

Download DBM-E And, Place the Start.js file in your bot's directory, Like this. Image


Use Npm i axios since that's a required library by DBM-E image


Once that is done, Instead of using Node Bot.js in cmd, Use Node Start.js and let the script install/check/update the modifications. image

How To Use

After the Installation/Update Has finished, Restart Your Discord Bot Maker to see new Actions under the DBM-E Category Start your bot by simply using Node Start.js Image