Cyber World

Cyber World

Table of Contents





Great Github project all about learning new programming languages (beginner to expert): curated-programming-resources Find the Best Programming Courses & Tutorials using

Video Tutorials:

Computer Networks


Storage and Databases

Operating Systems


Reverse Engineering, Buffer Overflow and Exploit Development
Name Description Reverse Engineering for Beginners
Shell storm Blog style collection with organized info about Rev. Engineering.
Buffer Overflow Exploitation Megaprimer for Linux Collection of Linux Rev. Engineering videos
Reverse Engineering Malware 101 intro course created by Malware Unicorn, complete with material and two VM's
Reverse Engineering Malware 102 the sequel to RE101
Modern Binary Exploitation - CSCI 4968 RE challenges, you can download the files or download the VM created by RPISEC specifically for challenges, also links to their home page with tons of infosec lectures
Introductory Intel x86 63 days of OS class materials, 29 classes, 24 instructors, no account required
Binary hacking 35 "no bullshit" binary videos along with other info
Shellcode Injection a blog entry from a grad student at SDS Labs
Reverse Engineering for Beginners huge textbook, created by Dennis Yurichev, open-source
Exploit tutorials a series of 9 exploit tutorials,also features a podcast
Exploit development links to the forum's exploit dev posts, quality and post style will vary with each poster
flAWS challenge Through a series of levels you'll learn about common mistakes and gotchas when using Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Corelan tutorials detailed tutorial, lots of good information about memory
Reverse engineering reading list a github collection of RE tools and books
Reverse Engineering challenges collection of challenges from the writer of RE for Beginners
Reverse Engineering for beginners (GitHub project) github for the above challenges reverse engineering challenges varying in difficulty
Analysis and exploitation (unprivileged) huge collection of RE information, organized by type.
A Course on Intermediate Level Linux Exploitation as the title says, this course isn't for beginners
Lena's Reversing for Newbies (Complete) listing of a lengthy resource by Lena, aimed at being a course
Megabeets journey into Radare2 one user's radare2 tutorials
Introduction to ARM Assembly Basics tons of tutorials from infosec pro Azeria, follow her on twitter
Linux (x86) Exploit Development Series blog post by sploitfun, has 3 different levels




Useful libraries, projects and more

Name Description
Awesome C A curated list of awesome C frameworks, libraries, resources and other shiny things.

YouTube Channels

Name Description
Treehouse an online school that teaches technology. Treehouse has courses on hundreds of topics including how to build a website, how to build a web app, how to build a mobile app, and how to start a business
LiveOverflow Lots of brief-to-medium instructional vids, covering things like buffer overflows and exploit writing, regular posts.
TheNewBoston Tons of computer related tutorials
Hak5 podcast-style videos covering various topics, has a forum, "metasploit-minute" video series could be useful
The Coding Train "creative coding" video tutorials every week. Subjects covered range from the basics of programming languages like JavaScript (with p5.js) and Java (with Processing) to generative algorithms like physics simulation, computer vision, and data visualization
Linus Tech Tips entertaining videos about technology, including tech reviews, showcases and other content
techquickie Learn about the latest cool technology in only a couple minutes!
numberphile ideos about numbers - it's that simple. Videos by Brady Haran
computerphile Videos all about computers and computer stuff. Sister channel of Numberphile.
iExplo1t lots of screenshot vids aimed at novices
HackerSploit regular posts, medium length screenshot vids, with dialog
Sourcefire lots of brief videos covering topics like botnets, DDoS ~5 minutes each
Null Byte focus on creating videos for aspiring ethical hackers, computer scientists, and the infosec community


Project Ideas


Name Description
Vulnhub site hosts a ton of different vulnerable Virtual Machine images, download and get hacking
Hack The Box Pen testing labs hosting over 39 vulnerable machines with two additional added every month
Over the wire A CTF that's based on progressive levels for each lab, the users SSH in, no account recquired lets you build/host/attack vulnerable web apps
Hack this site! an oldy but goodie, account required, users start at low levels and progress in difficulty
TryThis0ne a free project that offers you to challenge yourself in different subjects, such as hacking, programming, cracking, reversing and much more… Great CTF
Google's XSS game XSS challenges, and potentially a chance to get paid!
Google's CTF 2018 An archive of Google's CTF of 2018 with beginners tasks.
wechall an index of other challenge sites. Sort of global ranking site for challengers.
Hacker test similar to "hackthissite", no account required.
Ma's reversing You think you're a hacker? You think you know everything that there is about computers? You love encryption and information hiding? Or do you just love brain-melting puzzles / riddles and everything is too easy for you? Then this site is for you
Exploit exercises hosts 5 fulnerable virtual machines for you to attack, no account required
Stereotyped Challenges war game for "offensive security experts who are willing to overcome situations of getting stuck in breaking into web services or web-based solutions"
Mod-X Mod-X is a fictional online game. In Mod-X you will become one of the Mod-X 'agents' and have to solve any tasks that the Mod-X team give you. As you will see the story revolves around a break in to some of the Mod-X systems, and you are the only one who can beat the intruder.
PentesterLab hosts a variety of exercises as well as various "bootcamps" focused on specific activities hosts 27 challenges accompanied with writeups, account required Don't let the cartoon characters fool you, this is a serious CTF site that will teach you a lot, account required
Hacker Gateway ctfs covering steganography, cryptography, and web challengs, account required Good Luck! the journey begins...
root-me The fast, easy, and affordable way to train your hacking skills.
ThisIsLegal a hacker wargames site with much more - such as forums and tutorials. Embedded Security CTF
Pentest Practice account based Pentest practice, free to sign up, but there's also a pay-as-you-go feature
RoseCode Math and programming challenges lots of various labs/VMS for you to try and hack, registry is optional. hosts a number of web hacking challenges, account required Archive (2011-2015) a reverse engineering information Repo, started in 2003
SmashTheStack hosts various challenges, similar to OverTheWire, users must SSH into the machines and progress in levels
Hacksplaining a clickthrough security informational site, very good for beginners.
Ringzer0 Team an account based CTF site, hosting over 272 challenges
Shellter Labs account based infosec labs, they aim at making these activities social
The cryptopals crypto challenges A bunch of CTF challenges, all focused on cryptography.
The enigma group web application security training, account based, video tutorials
Pentestit acocunt based CTF site, users have to install open VPN and get credentials
ROP Emporium Return Oriented Programming challenges
OWASP Security Shepherd None
CTFLearn an account-based ctf site, where users can go in and solve a range of challenges
CTFs write-ups a collection of writeups from various CTFs, organized by
CTF365 account based ctf site, awarded by Kaspersky, MIT, T-Mobile
Participating Challenge Sites aims at creating a universal ranking for CTF participants