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FaceUp is a desktop application that allows users to change human appearance during in real time using webcam capturing
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OpenCV based face (and eye, nose, mouth) detection example application. The tutorial is provided as ready to compile/run Windows Visual Studio project (C#, .NET, EmguCV). Just download, compile and have fun with it. Or use the provided binary setup and play webcam face tracking right away.
GilHongKang's Repositories
FaceUp is a desktop application that allows users to change human appearance during in real time using webcam capturing
OpenCV based face (and eye, nose, mouth) detection example application. The tutorial is provided as ready to compile/run Windows Visual Studio project (C#, .NET, EmguCV). Just download, compile and have fun with it. Or use the provided binary setup and play webcam face tracking right away.
List of free GPTs that doesn't require plus subscription
Leaked GPTs Prompts Bypass the 25 message limit or to try out GPTs without a Plus subscription.