
About Aulas da Semana JS Expert 3.0 Construindo um chat multiplataforma usando linha de comando e JavaScript Avançado - repositorio server

Primary LanguageJavaScript



App developed during the training of the primary chapter of JS Expert Week 03. Server.

GitHub top language GitHub language count Stars Repository Size node blessed

About   |    Requirements   |    Starting   |    Node.js   |   

📃 About

Hacker Chat is an application developed during the week JS expert 03, an application that you chat in a multiplatform chat in an incredible way, using only the terminal.

Lessons of the Week JS Expert 3.0 Building a multiplatform chat using command line and Advanced JavaScript.

Node.js:Used to run the application.

JS: Programming language used to develop the chat.

📚 Requirements

  • To have Git to clone the project.
  • To have Node.js installed.
  • To have NPM installed.

🚀 🎧🕹Starting

  # Clone the project:
  $ git clone https://github.com/Gilles30/hacker-chat-gilles-server

  # Enter Directory:
  $ cd hacker-chat-gilles-server

  # Enter Directory:
  $ cd client

  # Install the dependencies:
  $ npm i

  # Running app:
  $ npm start



👨🏻‍🚀 About me

Lorison Gilles

Made with love 💜 by Lorison Gilles 🖖🏻👾☕