by Virat Shejwalkar and Amir Houmansadr published at ISOC Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium, (NDSS) 2021
We have given the code in the form of notebooks which are self-explanatory in that the description of each cell is given in the respective notebooks. To run the code, please clone/download the repo and simply start running the notebooks in usual manner. Various evaluation dimensions are below
- Datasets included are CIFAR10 (covers iid and cross-silo FL cases) and FEMNIST (covers non-iid and cross-device FL cases).
- We have given codes for five state-of-the-art aggregation algorithms, which give theoretical convergence guarantees: Krum, Multi-krum, Bulyan, Trimmed-mean, Median
- Baseline model poisoning attacks Fang and LIE.
- Our state-of-the-art model poisoning attacks, Aggregation-tailored attacks and Aggregation-agnsotic attacks, for the above mentioned aggregation algorithms. For any other aggregation algorithms, the code allows for simple plug-and-attack framework.