
These are the IPython Notebooks showing how to do a model-based fMRI analysis

Short IPython notebook introduction into model-based fMRI


These are the IPython notebooks and slides about model-based fMRI analysis part of the Summer School on Model Based Neuroscience 2015 in Amsterdam, hosted by the Birte Forstmann research group.

  • You can find all the notebooks in "notebooks"-folder. You can download them to your own computer.
  • To install Python, IPython, IPython notebook and all the necessary libraries, have a look at Anaconda.
  • You can download my slides here.

Python flying

Here you can find some nice resources on how to use Python in cognitive neuroscience: http://bender.astro.sunysb.edu/classes/python-science/

You can also view the notebooks in nbviewer. You won't be able to change the code, but it can still be instructive:

To do the practicals yourself you will need the data of Leendert van Maanens 2011 Journal of Neuroscience-paper. We are working on publishing this data for free, right now you can email me at gilles.de.hollander@gmail.com for the data.


Gilles de Hollander

June 2015