
Stable Dev Build Status codecov

Implement useful tools for handling non-smooth regularizers, l1 and nuclear norm for now. We implement the following methods

julia> using StructuredProximalOperators
julia> r = regularizer_lnuclear= 1.0);
julia> x = rand(7, 8);

julia> g(r, x)

julia> prox_αg(r, x, 1.0);

julia> y, M = prox_αg(r, x, 1.0); M
FixedRankMatrices(7, 8, 2, ℝ)

julia> ∇M_g(r, M, y);

julia> ∇²M_g_ξ(r, M, x, ξ); #For some tangent vector ξ.

The manifolds try to stick to the API of Manifolds.jl, as defined here.

Manifolds implement partial order, natural when looking at regularizers, and wholespace_manifold.

Implemented regularizers

  • l1 norm;
  • nuclear norm;
  • distance to ball;
  • group norm (for l1 or distance to ball).

Checking retractions, gradient and hessians

julia> M = FixedRankMatrices(5, 6, 3)
FixedRankMatrices(5, 6, 3, ℝ)

julia> errors = check_retraction(M);
julia> display_curvescomparison(errors)

julia> errors = check_e2r_gradient_hessian(M);
- gradf(x)  T_x M:				    true
- η  T_x M:					    true
- Hess f(x)[η]  T_x M:				true
- Hess f(x)[ξ]  T_x M:				true
- ⟨Hess f(x)[ξ], η⟩ - ⟨Hess f(x)[η], ξ⟩:	0.0
(ηgradfx, ηHessf_xη) = (-1.3226415096782111, 1.50236594681146)
julia> display_curvescomparison(errors)

julia> r = regularizer_lnuclear(2.0)
julia> errors = check_regularizer_gradient_hessian(M, r);
- gradf(x)  T_x M:				    true
- Hess f(x)[η]  T_x M:				true
- Hess f(x)[ξ]  T_x M:				true
- ⟨Hess f(x)[ξ], η⟩ - ⟨Hess f(x)[η], ξ⟩:	-6.938893903907228e-17
(ηgradfx, ηHessf_xη) = (1.6509397816841371, 0.20523220892922506)
julia> display_curvescomparison(errors)


  • test l1Subspace, FixedMatrices
  • devise test for regularizers
  • check gradient / hessian of regularizers

Wednesday 17th june:

Both manifolds are decent enough to start working with. Euclidean to riemannian conversion functions are fine for l1 and lnuclear regularizers. l1 regularizer has correct riemannian gradient / hessians, but nuclear norm regularizer proves more difficult.

WIP: get a first order development of the singular value decomposition, to be used to derive the riemannian hessian component of lnuclear regularizer. See svd_development.jl file.

Monday 22nd june:

  • Svd development and nuclear regularizer second order fixed.
  • Slope detection implemented. Review of test threshold parameters for regression would be good.


  • Properly test first and second order devs (tangent space, symmetry, slopes) for regularizers / conversion functions.

Tuesday 23rd june:

  • Theoretical formula for prox differential numerically checked. See prox_development.jl.