
Computing the minimal surface given values on a connected domain.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


When pulling a wire from soap water, a thin soapy surface creates. Its shape results from the equilibrium between superficial tension and gravity. This project aims at computing such a surface given a description of the wire(s).

From a mathematical standpoint, given an open set equation of boundary equation, and a function equation, the exact formulation consists in finding a solution equation s.t. :


However, this problem is ill-formulated, so we consider, for


Classes implémentées et fonctionnalités :


  • classe Vecteur :
  • classe Matrice :
  • classe Optimiseur : gradient à pas variable (RL de Wolfe), gradient conjugué, BFGS (en cours)

Structure de données:

  • classe Point, Segment, Triangle: héritent de Shape
  • classe Maillage: contient tous les nodes, points segments et triangles de la surface considérée. Le constructeur se base sur un fichier msh.