
This repo is an example of how to use 'expo-image-picker' to allow mobile users to upload images to the application

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Image Picker



This is an image picker app which let's you upload pictures from your mobile device into your App.
You are initially prompted with an Empty gallery message and a button for you to upload your pictures.

  • In ios it is possible to select multiple images when allowsMultipleSelection: true
  • When not working with *multiple selection it is possible to edit the picture before uploading, by setting allowsEditing: true
  • There are validations to prevent uploading duplicated images.
  • You may delete images individually.
  • In this app, there is a limit of 6 images that can be uploaded, and if it reaches the limit, the upload button gets disabled.
  • You are prompted to an alert message for you to confirm deleting whenever you try to remove a picture.


  • Learn how to allow users to select images from their mobile device, so I can apply this feature into other apps.
  • Understand and practice React Native Fundamentals, such as useState,and components.
  • Keep committed with my goals.
  • Interact with the Dev Community.
  • Do research, read and follow documentation.
  • Deal with errors.


  • React Native
  • Typescript
  • Expo
  • Expo Vector icons
  • Expo-Image-Picker

To run the project

  • Clone it
  • You will need Expo and NodeJS installed
  • Navigate to the project 's folder
  • Run npx expo start

Documentation used:

Expo Image Picker

Made with 💗 by Gilmara Pimentel