
Shop App built with React Native

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project developed during React Native - Practical Guide Course



This Shop app displays a list of distinct products that can be added to a cart and later you can make an order. If you click on a product, a product detail page is displayed and user can also add it a cart from there.

User is able to increase, decrease items from the cart or delete an item at once, no matter the previous quantity selected. The total amount in the cart reflects the change.

Then, users can place their orders, but clicking on Order.

After placing an order they can go to the menu on the top left and navigate to Orders.

Each user has an admin access, so they can add|create new products, delete or edit an existing one(except the price field). This is all being managed|controlled by react-redux store (Actions and reducers)


Practice React Native fundamentals such as Components, styling, font, Images, Button(TouchableOpacity, TouchableNativeFeedback), Lists (ScrollView and FlatList), navigation and state management with Redux) and Typescript.


Applied my own customized style for components and pages. Used 'Dimensions API' to adjust fontSize on buttons whenever screen width is smaller than 350.

Technologies used

  • React Native
  • Typescript
  • Expo
  • React Navigation v4 (stackNavigator and drawerNavigator)
  • Redux (Global state management)
  • Used Lib 'moment' on models > 'order.js' to output 'date' in details on Android as the built in JS method(toLocaleDateString) only outputs 'date' in details on iOS. This is due to how JS engine works in Android.

Course Instructor:

Maximilian Schwarzmüller

