
The EOSIO Identity Working Group is an open working group where we, the EOSIO community, discuss identity on EOSIO chains and progress work such as this DID specification and it's implementation. We have a weekly meeting and a Slack channel.

Join the EOSIO Identity Working Group

Comments regarding this document are welcome. Please file issues and PRs directly on Github. Contributors are recognized through adding commits to the code base.



Driver for the eosio DID methods to be used in the Universal Resolver. Structure based on uPort-did-driver. The Docker image is hosted on Docker Hub here:

The file src/server.js is an small Express Node app acting as a thin wrapper around the Javascript DID resolver. It listens to port 8080.

The following DID methods are supported:


  • Docker
  • nodejs (npm v16.3.0)


npm i
docker build . -t gimlyblockchain/eosio-universal-resolver-driver


docker run --name eosio-driver -p 8080:8080 gimlyblockchain/eosio-universal-resolver-driver

To stop

docker stop eosio-driver -t 0
docker rm eosio-driver


curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/1.0/identifiers/did:eosio:eos:eoscanadacom
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/1.0/identifiers/did:eosio:4667b205c6838ef70ff7988f6e8257e8be0e1284a2f59699054a018f743b1d11:caleosblocks

Example DIDs

  • did:eosio:eos:eoscanadacom
  • did:eosio:4667b205c6838ef70ff7988f6e8257e8be0e1284a2f59699054a018f743b1d11:caleosblocks