Typescript library and html/css bundles used to interact a the Gimly ID app to login with SSO and send and receive VCs
This is the usage documentation for the SDK used in a react native APP.
React native ≥0.64 required. To install locally the component we must install the main repository package
yarn add https://github.com/Gimly-Blockchain/gimly-id-app-sdk.git
The SDK consists of a group of services to:
- Create the encrypted wallet on the device.
- Create DID.
- Manage credentials.
- Manage presentations.
In the process of creating the wallet through ethers, a mnemonic phrase (BIP-39) with 24 words will be created, with this phrase the wallet will be created, later it will be encrypted with the value provided. Finally it will be stored by Keychain securely on the device
For more information, see:
To create the wallet we will only have to provide a value to the function which must have a string type.
import { createEncryptedWallet } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const pin = '123456'
const savePin = async (pin: string) => {
if (pin) {
await createEncryptedWallet(pin)
We will receive this response in case of error
// Error when creating the wallet
This service is responsible for creating and modifying the user's DID using the following libraries:
interface IdentityData {
chain: string;
publicKey: string;
privateKey: string;
nameKey: string;
accountName: string;
interface Authority {
threshold: number;
keys: KeyWeight[];
accounts: PermissionLevelWeight[];
waits: WaitWeight[];
import { GeneralIdentityService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const identityData: IdentityData = {
chain: 'eos:testnet:jungle',
publicKey: 'PUB_K1_5irHomACLB3oRbkqdgYTdh1GHGt8yvzQ7no5dxvEw5eYAiUiut',
privateKey: 'PVT_K1_27yS4sdX86VDahQRABMLCcDABH5Vzy8vgLLS7wBeKESyrXetMf',
nameKey: 'didtester3334',
accountName: 'newaccount11'
const authority: Authority = {
threshold: 1,
keys: [
key: 'PUB_K1_5irHomACLB3oRbkqdgYTdh1GHGt8yvzQ7no5dxvEw5eYAiUiut',
weight: 1
accounts: [],
waits: []
const generateDid = async (data: IdentityData, auth: Authority) => {
await GeneralIdentityService.createDid(data, auth)
We will receive this response in case of error
// Create DID error
import { GeneralIdentityService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const resolveDID = async () => {
await GeneralIdentityService.getUserDid()
We will receive this response in case of error
// resolve DID error
import { GeneralIdentityService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const identityData: IdentityData = {
chain: 'eos:testnet:jungle',
publicKey: 'PUB_K1_5irHomACLB3oRbkqdgYTdh1GHGt8yvzQ7no5dxvEw5eYAiUiut',
privateKey: 'PVT_K1_27yS4sdX86VDahQRABMLCcDABH5Vzy8vgLLS7wBeKESyrXetMf',
nameKey: 'didtester3334',
accountName: 'newaccount11'
const authority: Authority = {
threshold: 1,
keys: [
key: 'PUB_K1_5irHomACLB3oRbkqdgYTdh1GHGt8yvzQ7no5dxvEw5eYAiUiut',
weight: 1
accounts: [],
waits: []
const permission = 'active'
const parent = 'owner'
const updateDid = async (
data: IdentityData,
permission: string,
parent: string,
auth: Authority
) => {
await GeneralIdentityService.updateDid(data, permission, parent, auth)
We will receive this response in case of error
// Update DID error
This service is responsible for creating and modifying the user's DID using the following libraries:
export interface EthrDid {
did: string
didDocument: string
privateKey: string
publicKey: string
import { EtherIdentityService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const generateDid = async () => {
await EtherIdentityService.createDid()
//This will save an EtherDid type object in the wallet.
We will receive this response in case of error
// Create DID error
import { GeneralIdentityService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const resolveDID = async () => {
await EtherIdentityService.getUserDid()
//This will return the didDocument
We will receive this response in case of error
// resolve DID error
This service is responsible for generating and verifying the credentials
interface Credential {
'@context': string[]
id: string
type: string[]
issuer: string | Issuer
issuanceDate: string
credentialSubject: CredentialSubject
proof?: PresentationProof
interface CredentialSubject {
id: string
[custom: string]: unknown
interface PresentationProof {
type: string;
created: string;
verificationMethod: string;
proofPurpose: string;
challenge?: string;
jws?: string;
proofValue?: string;
When we generate a credential, we will specify the ontologies in the @context
of the credential
parameters, as stated in the w3 standard link. Examples are provided to use own and third-party credentials (schema.org) or (fhir) more examples.
import { GeneralIdentityService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const credential: Credential = {
'@context': [
id: 'https://example.com/credentials/1872',
type: ['VerifiableCredential', 'AlumniCredential'],
issuer: 'https://example.edu/issuers/565049',
issuanceDate: '2010-01-01T19:23:24Z',
credentialSubject: {
id: 'did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21',
alumniOf: 'Example University'
const keyPair: CredentialKeyPair = {
privateKeyBase58: 'F8v7zWWPTVPid1Gd6CidHe9815jNWZB6gQFYff3TsTWJ',
id: 'did:ethr:ropsten:0x028360fb95417724cb7dd2ff217b15d6f17fc45e0ffc1b3dce6c2b8dd1e704fa98#controllerKey',
const generateCredential = async (
credential: Credential,
keyPair: CredentialKeyPair
) => {
await GeneralIdentityService.createCredential(credential)
We will receive this response in case of error
// Create Credential Error
import { GeneralIdentityService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const credential: Credential = {
'@context': [
id: 'https://example.com/credentials/1872',
type: ['VerifiableCredential', 'AlumniCredential'],
issuer: 'https://example.edu/issuers/565049',
issuanceDate: '2010-01-01T19:23:24Z',
credentialSubject: {
id: 'did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21',
alumniOf: 'Example University'
proof: {
type: 'EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019',
created: '2021-10-07T10:56:58Z',
proofPurpose: 'assertionMethod',
jws: 'eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksiLCJiNjQiOmZhbHNlLCJjcml0IjpbImI2NCJdfQ..Q_HvWN3cF4zqcLdlC9g2lDp522yqA-FyH3WHOtYAy-8af6urfy-CsWa2S30fzh1yv0A3DGt1LAr6ZW0NWxEz-A'
const keyPair: CredentialKeyPair = {
privateKeyBase58: 'F8v7zWWPTVPid1Gd6CidHe9815jNWZB6gQFYff3TsTWJ',
id: 'did:ethr:ropsten:0x028360fb95417724cb7dd2ff217b15d6f17fc45e0ffc1b3dce6c2b8dd1e704fa98#controllerKey',
const verifyCredential = async (
credential: Credential,
keyPair: CredentialKeyPair
) => {
await GeneralIdentityService.verifyCredential(credential)
We will receive this response in case of error
// Verify Credential Error
This is the service responsible for generating and verifying presentations, using the following libraries
interface Presentation {
'@context': string[];
type: string[];
id?: string;
holder?: string;
verifiableCredential: Credential[];
proof?: PresentationProof;
// The "Credential" and "PresentationProof" interfaces are the same used in the presentation service.
import { GeneralIdentityService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const credential: Credential = {
'@context': [
id: 'https://example.com/credentials/1872',
type: ['VerifiableCredential', 'AlumniCredential'],
issuer: 'https://example.edu/issuers/565049',
issuanceDate: '2010-01-01T19:23:24Z',
credentialSubject: {
id: 'did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21',
alumniOf: 'Example University'
proof: {
type: 'EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019',
created: '2021-10-07T10:56:58Z',
proofPurpose: 'assertionMethod',
jws: 'eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksiLCJiNjQiOmZhbHNlLCJjcml0IjpbImI2NCJdfQ..Q_HvWN3cF4zqcLdlC9g2lDp522yqA-FyH3WHOtYAy-8af6urfy-CsWa2S30fzh1yv0A3DGt1LAr6ZW0NWxEz-A'
const createPresentation = async (credentials: Credential[]) => {
await GeneralIdentityService.createPresentation(credential)
We will receive this response in case of error
// Create Presentation Error
import { GeneralIdentityService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const presentation: Presentation = {
'@context': ['https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1'],
type: ['VerifiablePresentation'],
id: 'ebc6f1c2',
holder: 'did:ex:12345',
verifiableCredential: [
'@context': [
id: 'http://example.edu/credentials/1872',
type: ['VerifiableCredential', 'AlumniCredential'],
issuer: 'https://example.edu/issuers/565049',
issuanceDate: '2010-01-01T19:23:24Z',
credentialSubject: {
id: 'did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21',
alumniOf: '<span lang="en">Example University</span>'
const challenge = 'mychallengeword'
const signPresentation = async (
presentation: Presentation,
keyPair: CredentialKeyPair,
challenge: string
) => {
await GeneralIdentityService.signPresentation(
We will receive this response in case of error
// Sign Presentation Error
import { GeneralIdentityService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const presentation: Presentation = {
'@context': ['https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1'],
type: ['VerifiablePresentation'],
id: 'ebc6f1c2',
holder: 'did:ex:12345',
verifiableCredential: [
'@context': [
id: 'http://example.edu/credentials/1872',
type: ['VerifiableCredential', 'AlumniCredential'],
issuer: 'https://example.edu/issuers/565049',
issuanceDate: '2010-01-01T19:23:24Z',
credentialSubject: {
id: 'did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21',
alumniOf: '<span lang="en">Example University</span>'
proof: {
type: 'Ed25519Signature2018',
created: '2020-02-03T17:23:49Z',
jws: 'eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..AUQ3AJ23WM5vMOWNtYKuqZBekRAOUibOMH9XuvOd39my1sO-X9R4QyAXLD2ospssLvIuwmQVhJa-F0xMOnkvBg',
proofPurpose: 'assertionMethod',
verificationMethod: 'https://example.edu/issuers/keys/1'
const verifyPresentation = async (
presentation: Presentation,
keyPair: CredentialKeyPair,
challenge: string
) => {
await GeneralIdentityService.verifyPresentation(
We will receive this response in case of error
// Verify Presentation Error
import { GeneralIdentityService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const presentation: Presentation = {
'@context': ['https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1'],
type: ['VerifiablePresentation'],
id: 'ebc6f1c2',
holder: 'did:ex:12345',
verifiableCredential: [
'@context': [
id: 'http://example.edu/credentials/1872',
type: ['VerifiableCredential', 'AlumniCredential'],
issuer: 'https://example.edu/issuers/565049',
issuanceDate: '2010-01-01T19:23:24Z',
credentialSubject: {
id: 'did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21',
alumniOf: '<span lang="en">Example University</span>'
const verifyUnsignedPresentation = async (
presentation: Presentation,
credentialKeyPair: CredentialKeyPair
) => {
await GeneralIdentityService.verifyUnsignedPresentation(
We will receive this response in case of error
// Verify Unsigned Presentation Error
The main functions of NFC service are to securely create and store a private key from a blockchain wallet and sign blockchain transactions.
Is needed before running any other method in android, calling this method will ask the user to enable the NFC in case of NFC disabled.
import { NfcService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
// ...other methods
This method is needed to obtain information from the card. Optionally, if the card contains a wallet (private and public key pair), it proves that the wallet owns a private key that corresponds to a public one.
import { NfcService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const initialMessage = {
header: '',
body: ''
Allows you to sign one or multiple hashes. The SIGN command will return a corresponding array of signatures.
import { NfcService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const signProps = {
hashes: ['0xasdasd3d3d31dad1w'],
walletPublicKey: 'dsad131231dsad1d1d',
cardId: '1231d11as1',
initialMessage: { header: '', body: '' }
Will return current NFC Status which is supported on the device or is NFC enabled on the device.
import { NfcService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
will create a new wallet on the card. A key pair WalletPublicKey / WalletPrivateKey is generated and securely stored in the card.
import { NfcService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const cardId = '1231d11as1'
Deletes all wallet data.
import { NfcService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const purgeWalletProps = {
cardId: '1231d11as1',
walletPublicKey: 'dsad131231dsad1d1d'
Allows to set or change passcode on the card. Passcode protects signing and operations that can alter security parameters. Passcode may be enabled or disabled during card configuration at the factory. Also, it’s possible to prohibit removing the passcode from the card once it’s set.
import { NfcService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const cardId = '1231d11as1',
Allows to set or change acccessCode on the card. If Access code is set on the card, all commands, including Scan Card, will require to sumbit this code. So if the Access code is lost, there is no way to recover the data or even retrieve the public key. Access codes may be enabled or disabled during card configuration at the factory. Also, it’s possible to prohibit removing the access code from the card once it’s set.
import { NfcService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const cardId = '1231d11as1',
Resets both access code and passcode if they were set.
import { NfcService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
const cardId = '1231d11as1',
Should be able to add listener on the certain events
import { NfcService } from 'gimly-id-app-sdk'
// ...
To launch the tests you need to use one of the following scripts:
Will install all repositories
yarn install
Will run all tests with jest
yarn test
Will run jest with the coverage report (this will create a new directory to be able to examine the report in more detail)
yarn test-with-coverage