
A fluent .Net Standard library to create xApi statements and communicate with a LRS

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A fluent .Net Standard library to create xApi statements and communicate with a LRS

.NET Core NuGet


Add the NuGet package to your project using the Package Manager Console.

PM> Install-Package Mos.xApi

Getting started

Creating a statement

Use the Statement.Create static method to start the Statement building. All the complex objects then have a fluent builder that simplifies the creation of the Statement object.

var newStatement =
        Actor.CreateAgent("Example Learner").WithMailBox("example.learner@adlnet.gov"),
        Verb.Create("http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/attempted").AddDisplay("en-US", "attempted"),
                        .AddName("en-US", "simple CBT course")
                        .AddDescription("en-US", "A fictious example CBT course"))
                            .WithScore(new Score(0.95))

Once the Statement has been created, it can be serialized to json using the ToJson method. This method takes a boolean argument setting if it should be pretty printed or not.

var json = statement.ToJson(true);

Communication with a LRS

An LRS Client is also implemented in the Mos.xApi.LrsClient namespace. It implements an interface called ILrsClient and uses asynchronous methods.

using Mos.xApi.LrsClient;

ILrsClient lrsClient = new LrsClient("http://www.example.com/mylrs");

Statement statement = await lrsClient.GetStatementAsync(new Guid("d0371e17-4e91-46ba-924f-e78168bf0f02"));

var statementResult = await lrsClient.FindStatement(new StatementQuery{ActivityId = new Uri("http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/completed")});

var statements = statementResult.Statements;

if(statements.More != null){
    var moreStatementResult = await lrsClient.FindMoreStatements(statements.More);

await lrsClient.SendStatementAsync(newStatement);

Parsing Statements from json

A static method Statement.FromJson allows to deserialize a statement defined as a Json string.

string jsonStatement = "...";

var statement = Statement.FromJson(jsonStatement);


Please send your pull requests to the master branch (ideally from a feature branch in your own fork).

You can add bugs or feature requests by creating a new item on the issues page.


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