
A simple audio player based on Vue 2.x which supports single, loop, order, circulation, and random mode

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple audio player based on Vue 2.x which supports single, loop, order, circulation, and random mode

audio component props

props description type default required values
source src of audio string "" true
index the current audio index in the playlist number 0 true
mode player mode number 0 false 0:single、1:order、2:loop、3:circulation、4:random
preload string 'none' false "none"、 "auto"、 "metadata"
autoplay boolean false false
muted boolean false false

example code

<vue-audio v-for="(list, index) of lists"
        <div class="player"></div>

timeupdate (e) {

playing (e) {

pause (e) {

ended (e) {

waiting (e) {

error (e) {


Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev