
Notes at class/ about the papers in class.

Notes from CS739

Notes from Remzi's CS739 F18 paper / class.

Published Notes

Week3.2 (9/21,F) - Clock

Week3.2: Lamport 1978: You can establish a total order by forcing each event to have a time on linear relation.

Week3.2: Mattern 1988: Linear relation is not enough. To preserve causality, why not use vectors to preserve the relation?

Week3.2 Class Note: The sum of the above


Drafts, as you can see, is put into the draft folder. They are unfinished, sloppy jot-downs that no one will like them (except perhaps me : ).


Notes Update

  • Upload Week 1 Notes
  • Upload Week 2 Notes
  • Upload Week 3 Notes
  • Upload Week 4 Notes
  • Upload Week 5.1 Notes (why it disappeared --- yet another mysterious fs problem??)
  • Upload Week 6 Notes
  • Upload Week 7 Notes

Additional Writing

  • Update week 5.2 Leases Note: Math interpretation.


Week M W F
1 09/03 Labor 09/05 First Class 09/07 Hamilton Dean
2 09/10 09/12 Fail: Gray alt Disk 09/14 Net: U-net eRPC
3 09/17 09/19 No Class 09/21 Time: LClocks VClocks
Week M W F
4 09/24 09/26 Flash SEDA 09/28 Alice
5 10/01 P1:Due 10/02 WiscKey slides 10/05 NFS Leases
6 10/08 10/10 HA-NFS 10/12 Visitor
7 10/15 10/17 2PC 10/19 Elections- Quorums
8 10/22 Midterm 10/24 Paxos 10/26 Raft
9 10/29 P2:Due 10/31 Bayou bball VVs 11/02 LBFS - Jumbo
10 11/05 11/07 Lard - DistHash 11/09 CFS - Chord
11 11/12 11/14 Needham 11/16 Petal
Week M W F
12 11/19 It's 11/21 Thanks 11/23 Giving!
13 11/26 11/28 Frangipani 11/30 GFS
14 12/03 12/05 Dynamo (blog) 12/07 BigTable
15 12/10 Ramcloud 12/12 Blockchain 12/14
