Run locally

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run from root dir
export JWT_SECRET=secret
export OMDB_API_KEY=your_api_key
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f db/docker-compose.yml -f auth-service/docker-compose.yml -f movie-service/docker-compose.yml up --build

By default the auth service will start on port 3000 but you can override the default value by setting the APP_PORT env var

APP_PORT=8081 JWT_SECRET=secret docker-compose up -d

To connect to external database (eg. hosted on Azure), set standard Postgres environment variables.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f auth-service/docker-compose.yml -f movie-service/docker-compose.yml up --build

After running docker-compose up, you can browse documentation at http://localhost:3000/documentation#/

Running tests

Unit tests can be run directly from movie-service directory by running npm test

To run full integration tests, use:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f db/docker-compose.yml -f auth-service/docker-compose.yml -f movie-service/docker-compose.yml -f movie-service/integration-test-docker.yml up --build --abort-on-container-exit

This will remove all data from database, so be careful.