
WanderLOST is the final project for the "Digital Heritage and Multimedia" course held by Simona Caraceni and Sofia Pescarin @ University of Bologna, MA "DHDK".
This project regards the implementation of an interactive VR experience in the Museum of Palazzo Poggi (Bologna), focused on the effects of climate change on our planet.

The folders in this Github Repository contain the Design Brief, some pictures taken in the "Chamber of Geography and Nautics" of Palazzo Poggi's Museum, the graphs (contained also in the Design Brief), some immersive application prototypes and some marketing prototypes.

  • The Twine interactive story can be found here: Twine story

For what concerns the single 360 panoramas (made with PtGui) and the interactive 360 panorama (made with Pano2VR), the file size prevented us from uploading it here on Github.
