
A lightweight Svelte component for Cloudflare Turnstile

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT

Svelte Turnstile

Works with Svelte 3 & 4!

Cloudflare's Turnstile is a new CAPTCHA alternative, this library allows you to easily integrate it into your svelte projects.


npm install svelte-turnstile -D




The only required prop is the siteKey which you can get from adding a site here.

    import { Turnstile } from 'svelte-turnstile';

<Turnstile siteKey="SITE_KEY" />


Prop Type Description Required
siteKey string sitekey for your website
theme 'light' | 'dark' | 'auto' colour theme of the widget (defaults to auto)
size 'normal' | 'compact' size of the widget (defaults to normal)
action string A string that can be used to differentiate widgets, returned on validation
cData string A string that can attach customer data to a challange, returned on validation
tabIndex number Used for accessibility (defaults to 0)
forms boolean if true the response token will be a property on the form data (default true)
formsField string the name of the input which will appear on the form data (default cf-turnstile-response)
retry 'auto' | 'never' should the widget automatically retry to obtain a token if it did not succeed (default auto)
retryInterval number if retry is true, this controls the time between attempts in milliseconds (default 8000)
language `SupportedLanguage 'auto'` the language turnstile should use (default auto)
execution `'render' 'execute'` controls when to obtain the token of the widget (default render)
appearance `'always' 'execute' 'interaction-only'`

For more information about some of the props and a list of SupportedLanguage's checkout the Cloudflare Documentation.


Event Data Description
turnstile-error {} Emitted when a user fails verification
turnstile-expired {} Emitted when a challenge expires and does not reset the widget
turnstile-timeout {} Emitted when a challenge expires and does reset the widget
turnstile-callback { token: string } Emitted when a user passes a challenge

Validate CAPTCHA

We need to validate the captcha token server side before we do any action on the server, this is to ensure no forgery occured. We can create a simple validate function:

If you are using a HTML Form and POSTing to a server you can get the cf-turnstile-response (or what you configured it to using the formsField option) property to get the token, otherwise you can use the on:turnstile-callback event in svelte to keep track of the token and send it to your backend.

interface TokenValidateResponse {
    'error-codes': string[];
    success: boolean;
    action: string;
    cdata: string;

async function validateToken(token: string, secret: string) {
    const response = await fetch(
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
                'content-type': 'application/json',
            body: JSON.stringify({
                response: token,
                secret: secret,

    const data: TokenValidateResponse = await response.json();

    return {
        // Return the status
        success: data.success,

        // Return the first error if it exists
        error: data['error-codes']?.length ? data['error-codes'][0] : null,

SvelteKit Example

In SvelteKit we can use form actions to easily setup a form with a captcha:


    import { Turnstile } from 'svelte-turnstile';

    /** @type {import('./$types').ActionData} */
    export let form;

{#if form?.error}

<form method="POST" action="/login">
    <Turnstile siteKey="SITE_KEY" theme="dark" />


// Copy and paste the validateToken function from above here

export const actions = {
    default: async ({ request }) => {
        const data = await request.formData();

        const token = data.get('cf-turnstile-response') // if you edited the formsField option change this
        const SECRET_KEY = '...' // you should use $env module for secrets

        const { success, error } = await validateToken(token, SECRET_KEY);

        if (!success)
            return {
                error: error || 'Invalid CAPTCHA',

        // do something, the captcha is valid!


If you need to manually reset the widget, you can do so by binding to the reset prop. For example:

<script lang="ts">
    let reset: () => void | undefined;

<button on:click={() => reset?.()}>

<Turnstile bind:reset />
