Frontend Mentor - EasyBank Landing Page Solution

This is a solution to the Easybank-landing-page

Table of contents


My process

Never giving up and keep pushing further like before, nothing changed.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • React
  • Grid
  • and with bunch of Love.

What I learned

HTML: Learned how to import SVG files in a different way.

CSS: Using fill element to modify color of SVG.

  1. Text decoration underline was new feature that I learned.

  2. Ability to change color with decreasing opacity on the button is something new.

React: Keep learning the logic behind the Hamburger functionality.

This is following logic behind hamburger order.

  1. Setting the default usestate:

const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);

  1. Setting Logic for show and not show

const handleModalShow = () => { setShowModal(!showModal) }

  1. Applying the logic the icons

The above translates into the following: If close icon is hidden show close icon on click

<!-- {showModal && <img src={closeBtn} onClick={handleModalShow} className={classes.hamburger} alt='close' />} -->

The above translates into the following: In otherwise

   {showModal && <Modal />}

On click handle showing Modal
