Project Title

NestJS Coffee API


This repository contains a fully-featured API developed using NestJS framework. The API demonstrates common features and best practices when using NestJS for building efficient, reliable and scalable server-side applications.


  1. The API provides features to create, read, update, and delete coffee resources, demonstrating how to implement standard CRUD operations in a RESTful API using NestJS. Here are some highlights:

  2. Controllers and Providers: Demonstrates the usage of controllers and providers in NestJS, which are fundamental building blocks of a NestJS app.

  3. Middleware: Demonstrates how to use middleware for handling the processing of requests and responses.

  4. Exception Filters: Implements custom exception handling using filters.

  5. Pipes: Uses validation pipes for validating incoming requests.

  6. Interceptors: Demonstrates the usage of interceptors to transform the data being returned from route handlers.

  7. Guards: Implements guards for handling authorization.

  8. Swagger API Documentation: The API is fully documented with Swagger OpenAPI.

  9. TypeORM and PostgreSQL: Uses TypeORM for handling database operations and PostgreSQL as the database.

  10. Entity Relationships: Demonstrates the usage of TypeORM for managing entity relationships (ManyToMany, OneToMany etc.).

Used technologies

  1. NestJS
  2. TypeORM
  3. PostgreSQL
  4. Swagger

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies with npm install
  3. Start your Postgres database
  4. Run the API with npm run start

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/api to view the Swagger API documentation.

Environment Variables

DATABASE_USER=Your database user name
DATABASE_PASSWORD=Your database password
DATABASE_NAME=Your database
DATABASE_PORT=Your database port
DATABASE_HOST=Your database host
API_KEY=An API key for secure endpoints.