
Static site for bitbay.market, created from previous Drupal website sources.


Reporting problems ?

Just open up an issue on this repo and gives us details about the problem.

Want to make text changes on your own ?

Clone the repository to your account by pressing on the fork button (top right corner on desktop computers) and make any changes inside the content folder as you see fit and then create a PR with your changes with a short description of your changes

NOTE: public folder contains compiled files from source using hugo static site generator and they should not be changed directly.

More advanced contributions / layout or theme changes ?

Basic requirement is to have hugo installed and working properly on your system in order to be able to compile the source files.

Here is summary of the steps you need to follow

  • Create a fork to your github account.
  • Clone your own copy of the repo to your local. computer i.e. git clone git@github.com:USERNAME/bitbaydev.git (use the clone button)
  • Make any changes with your editor/IDE.
  • Compile the sources and inspect changes using hugo serve. Will start php server and you will be able to see and test the changes in your browser.
  • commit your changes and push them to your github repo
  • From the github repo you can open a PR request so we are made aware of your changes.