
Hugo quick install and deployment to github project pages

Hugo deploying to github project pages

https://[username].github.io/[project-name]/ https://giorgosk.github.io/hugo-quick/

Deployment of Project Pages From Your gh-pages branch

This setup utilizes the automatic deployment to github pages by pushing to the gh-pages branch

Initial preparation for gh-pages Branch as described on hugo documentation

Ignore public folder in master branch

echo "public" >> .gitignore
git commit -am "Ignoring public folder in master branch"

Initialize your gh-pages branch as an empty orphan branch

# initialize branch
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git reset --hard

# commit and puth to github
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initializing gh-pages branch"
git push origin gh-pages

# return to master
git checkout master

Build and Deployment

Setup git worktree (one time setup, kept until removed)

git worktree add -B gh-pages public origin/gh-pages

Clean public directory (optional)

rm -rf public

build the site (publishDir = "public" assumed)


Start server and make sure all works by visiting the url created

hugo serve 

Commit to gh-pages branch

cd public && git add --all && git commit -m "Publishing to gh-pages" && cd ..

Push to github

git push origin gh-pages

Github will see the gh-pages branch has changed and will automatically deploy the new version of the site