A cross-platform terminal-based termux-oriented file manager (and component), meant to be used with a Uni-Curses project or as is.
- 486DX2-boomerUnited States
- AgeOfMarcusCullowhee, NC
- antayirpDataTrust AG
- aryanrtmIndonesia
- b1ru
- ba0f3HUY>IM
- budRichTBA
- dev1lsconfDev1ls
- EmasoftRome, Italy
- Embridioum
- GiorgosXou
- Gitleptune
- guilhermerochas
- hasufellFreelancer
- hueyySingapore
- IrregularShedReference Point
- julienXXMakeMusic Inc.
- lebritonLille, France
- MathiasSven
- mrwillbarnzCornwall
- mschilli87IDIBELL
- NayutaaAustin, TX
- neutr0nis
- Nicolas-93France
- Odnes
- peymanmajidiMahan Air
- polygonnedpotatoCompany
- Si3ghMaringá - PR - Brasil
- SirPlusThe moon
- Sobsz
- someonesdiary
- wSzkiParis
- Xaxeric@Craccken
- Yonle@yonlecoder
- z8512
- Zeioth