Agility .NET Core Vanilla Template

This is a starter template for developers who want to use ASP.NET Core, and the Agility.AspNetCore/Agility.Web SDK to sync content and provide an interface to access content without making API calls. The Agility.AspNetCore/Agility.Web SDK also manages page routing, caching and more.

This is the fastest way to get started with Agility and build high-performance websites out-of-the-box.


  • .NET Core 2.1


  • npm and webpack
  • sass loader
  • agility and agility-ugc npm packages
  • vanilla js

Benefits vs .NET Framework Templates

  • Better caching
  • Agility Modules are executed asnychronously
  • Cross-platform development and hosting
  • Modern frontend tools

How to Get Set Up

In order to connect this website to an Agility instance, you'll need a Website Name, Security Key, and UGC API credentials. If you don't have this, please contact and we can assist you.

In addition, the Agility instance must have its Development Language set to ASP.NET Core. This can be done in Agility > Settings > Customization/Development / Development Framework.

  1. Clone/Download this repository.
  2. Open the repository in your favorite IDE - we recommend VS Code.
  3. Open and edit the file Website\appsettings.json and set the websiteName and securityKey
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Warning"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "Agility": {
    "applicationName": "My Web Application",
    "websiteName": "{WebsiteName goes here}", 
    "securityKey": "{Security Key goes here}",
    "contentCacheFilePath": "d:/home/AgilityContent/",
    "contentServerUrl": "",
    "developmentMode": "false",
    "Trace": {
      "traceLevel": "Warning",
      "logFilePath": "d:/home/AgilityLogs/Website.log"
    "UGC": {
      "Url": "",
      "Key": "{optional}",
      "Password": "{optional}"
    "Analytics": {
      "Url": ""
  1. Open a terminal and start the dotnet site (backend) - this should restore packages, build the site and start running the site
Website> dotnet run
  1. Open a terminal and start the webpack dev server (frontend) - you will use this during development
Website\wwwroot> npm run dev

You should now have the site running on http://localhost:8080/.

Agility Modules

In a traditional ASP.NET MVC project, Controllers and Actions are used to render Agility Modules. ASP.NET Core replaces them with ViewComponents. Using ViewComponents enables Agility.Web for ASP.NET Core to render modules on a page asynchronously.

In Agility, you set the Output Template for a module to be a View Component which corresponds to the name of your ViewComponent class.

If you have a module with a View Component Name set to Callout, then Agility.Web will look for a ViewComponent in your website.


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Website;
using Website.AgilityModels;
using Agility.Web.Extensions;

namespace Website.ViewComponents.Modules
    public class Callout: ViewComponent

        public Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(Module_Callout module) 
            return Task.Run<IViewComponentResult>(() =>
                return View("~/Views/Modules/Callout.cshtml", module);




@model Website.AgilityModels.Module_Callout

@if(Model.Image != null)
    <img src="@Model.Image.URL?w=200" alt="@Model.Image.Label" />



Creating a Production Build

When ready to deploy a website built on this template, you'll need to build both your backend and frontend.

  1. In a terminal, run the following command to build the frontend:
Website\wwwroot> npm run build
  1. In a terminal, run the following command to build the backend - see dotnet publish for more information on this:
Website> dotnet publish --configuration Release